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Am attempting to install on a new laptop (MSI GE62 2QD).
Has nVidia GTX 960M (which may be the cause of some issues (lspci hangs and can't be killed) - but that's a separate topic I suppose).
I have a 128GB SSD, and 1TB HDD; with 24GB RAM.
My current idea is to partition as follows - on the SSD:
- /boot (ESP) [512MB]
- dm-crypt
- SWAP [4GB] (for use only to suspend-to-disk - is 4GB enough?)
- / [20GB]
- /var [12GB]
- /home [REMAINING]
I will then simply encrypt the HDD drive separately for storing general data.
I began thinking though if it would be worthwhile having, perhaps the SWAP and /home partitions on the HDD.
From what I have read this would be better suited to LUKS on LVM, but I am pretty set on using LVM on LUKS.
Is there any way to achieve the separation of SWAP and /home, while still only needing one decryption passphrase during boot?
Thank you kindly
It would appear that this might be possible...
Perhaps by utilising an encrypted /boot partition(or directory) and then enabling GRUB CRYPTODISK and using a keyfile (so as not to have two passphrases to enter during boot).
Is there any way to achieve the separation of SWAP and /home, while still only needing one decryption passphrase during boot? … n#crypttab
I wouldn't place SWAP and /home on the HDD though, but that's a seperate question.
Last edited by teateawhy (2016-12-28 22:10:53)
Pages: 1