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when i enter to KDE and launch a GTK2 app, it uses no antialiasing.
i realised, when i go to control panel/appearance/colors, and uncheck the "Apply colors to non-KDE applications" -> Apply then recheck --> Apply, then i start a GTK2 app, the fonts will be antialiased, no other way to do that.
the prblm is when a reenter KDE the whole story starts again...
i tried using gtk-qt-engine, reinstalling fonts, reinstalling fontconfig, deleting ALL my settings in home directory, tried with a new blank user, gtk-theme-swith, gtp2_prefs...couldn't solve it...
anyone having the same problem?
i reinstalled archlinux from solved all my problems.
i hate this way of solving problems anyway
i could't realised what was wrong...
any suggestion what could mess up my system?
maybe the Xgl-cvs's dependencies and the cvs mesa and xorg components from shadowland?