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Hello world!
Another mind flipped for Arch... That is what I should have done...age ago.
Thanks to founders and community. Thanks to those who make all this possible.
Hello World
-Sent from my Arch Linux with KDE as DM and SDDM as login manager
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From: Ankit R Gadiya <>
Hello fellow archies, looking forward to hearing and learning from you guys (:
I forgot to say Hello to THE world.
So, hum hum... HELLO WORLD
Hello world.
Hi *,
comming a long way from ubuntu, I finally landed here.
So, have a nice day, and a lot more comming up!
Happy New Year! First, thanks to everyone who continues to make Arch Linux possible. I've had a successful Arch installation for about a year. I recall the most intimidating part of the installation was partitioning the disk, and to this day I'm confident I would win the prize for most oversized, extraneous Swap partition. The most gratifying thing about the Arch experience has been the swell of pride I get from even the most mundane functions of my system.
Welcome, fellow noobs one and all, and a hearty Happy New Year to you, Alec76.
The most gratifying thing about the Arch experience has been the swell of pride I get from even the most mundane functions of my system.
I know we shouldn't let those feelings devolve into an attitude of superiority towards other lovers of linux - and I don't. Heck, I say, "Use what you like", and I'm not an Arch Only user. Just a No Windows guy. I do however, share a deep satisfaction in using Arch Linux, I think mostly because it's like a Linux Buffet. You add what you want, leave what you don't want. If you don't want the mashed potatoes, you don't have to have them.
With you I say again, Thanks to Arch Devs, forum leaders, and all who contribute to making Arch the bullet train that it is.
Greetings fellow Archer noobs!
I feel like, until I found Arch, I've only been playing with Linux. Now I am learning what happens behind the scenes. Exciting!
Hello everyone! Switched to Arch/Linux about half a year ago but just registered for the forums recently. It is fun (but difficult for a noob like me) learning a new OS and learning how the OS works.
Hello to all you Arch Branimaniacs, yes I am the new guy on the block after alot of reading and trying Iam up and running. All but the printer, well guess it's time for more reading
Hello People. I am Juan Pablo from Australia. I have just installed Arch Linux in my laptop. I have used Fedora for almost 5 years and I dont want to have trouble every 6 months when a new release comes out.
New year - New Distro.
Hello everyone I'm kind of new to Linux. Got dissapointed in Windows - I don't know the reason yet why, but I blame windows for 2 dead ssd drives in the same system (1st lasted 2 months, replacement lived twice as long).
So I decided to switch to Arch. I still have to learn a lot of stuff, but I think it will serve me pretty well. Mostly I use my pc to browse web, listen to music, write some code in C++ and since I picked up woodworking and welding, I occasionally make some plans using FreeCAD and as far as I have tried, it works a lot faster than on the windows machine.
There are also a few other things on this distro, that I like, but I don't like to write a "Hello world essay"
Hey all. Finding a new home on Linux recently. So far I just explore it on a laptop while my main desktop remains untouched. Sometimes use a VM to try things out on my desktop. I've been finding I like the terminal and am getting used to it. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
Edit: About me. I'm 24, about to be married, and don't have a specific reason to leave windows other than maybe security. I'm learning about cyber security and thought learning Linux would be great before I get to it in my classes.
Last edited by Stycks32 (2017-01-10 05:41:58)
Merging with the Official Hello thread...
One year into the Arch way now, so it's about time to say hi! After over 10 years of
Ubuntu, I found myself rummaging the Arch Wiki more and more often... until taking
the plunge to Arch a year ago. And I'm so glad I did! I love it! It's actually the most
stable setup (no kidding!) I ever had, and I learn a lot from the top class wiki!
Keep up the good work everybody!
Hallo Archers! After 8 mind-numbingly frustrating days of installing Arch on my macbook pro (and occasional thoughts of throwing my laptop out the window), I've finally done it! When I have time to do so I'd love to help out and contribute to this (or so I've heard) awesome community!
Last edited by brashshrimp (2017-01-13 17:12:36)
Hi y'all! I'm an off-and-on Linux user from Austin, Texas, thrilled to be finally using Arch!
Years ago, while I was still in high school, I dabbled in Linux - openSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu - before eventually switching back to OS X (and Windows 10, briefly). As something of a standard among web developers, OS X / macOS certainly meets my needs, but Apple's proprietary, non-upgradable hardware design has always been a major gripe for me (having been a longtime user of ThinkPads). I find myself increasingly disenchanted with the direction Apple is taking with their design philosophy - and their latest gesture of outright disrespect to the Open Source community was the final straw for me. The fact that they would borrow so heavily from Open Source via BSD in service of producing computers so intrinsically proprietary is just abhorrent to me.
Anyway, sorry for the little rant there - Arch is awesome and I've learned a ton along the difficult path toward building my desired setup. Looking forward to learning more and contributing wherever I can!
Hi all!!!! After years of Ubuntu I decided to try this distro!!! We will see in the forum!!
Hello everyone! Nice community...
I'm a noob.
Heard of linux 6 mo ago, intrigued. Tried Mint...liked it. Friend at work told me Arch was the way to go, intrigued. Was initimidated by terminal install, cheated by using PacBang then Manjaro. Laying in bed feeling guilty, like I wasn't a real Arch user, felt like a pussy. Rolled up my sleeves, drank a pot of coffee, spent my day off and 7+ hours of trial and error/reading the wiki + online research + plus some cursing at my computer. Finally have a clean install with Xfce, feels good. Hello everyone.
This is my first Linux Distribution and I've already learned so much from following the installation process! I can't wait to customize my system to my liking.