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#26 2016-09-12 11:03:51

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Another problem:
A package fails to run because a dependency changed. The package needs to be rebuilt and reinstalled.
No problem?
First I had to figure out how to do that, and it was not obvious. The obvious -f was the wrong answer, only --nover allowed me to actually rebuild the package.
Now I try to install it, and pacman claims the package is corrupt because the checksum does not match.
So what's the clean solution to this rather common problem?


#27 2016-09-12 11:13:33

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

If the dependency changed, the package maintainer should have bumped pkgrel.

Either way, the corruption part was solved back in 0.9.0 when aursync enforced the repository to also be a pacman CacheDir. Without extra information (like "pacconf" output), I can't help you further with that.

Regarding aursync -f, I guess it would make sense to have it disable version checks for packages on the command line.

Last edited by Alad (2016-09-12 11:13:44)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#28 2016-09-12 16:16:47

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Well, that's not the reality of AUR. In this case it was simply a version bump of libboost that caused the program to fail. After building against the new version the program works fine again. No AUR maintainer is going to bump the version because of something like this.

The corruption message was because of a checksum mismatch and the checksum mismatch occured because the package buillt against the new libboost was different than the old one. Where the old checksum was saved I do not know, since even deleting the whole cache directory did not get rid of it. Maybe I did something wrong, I am not really familiar with maintaining repositories. I solved it somehow, not sure what it was, probably a 'pacman -Syy'.


#29 2016-09-12 18:07:17

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

PUE wrote:

Well, that's not the reality of AUR. In this case it was simply a version bump of libboost that caused the program to fail. After building against the new version the program works fine again. No AUR maintainer is going to bump the version because of something like this.

The corruption message was because of a checksum mismatch and the checksum mismatch occured because the package buillt against the new libboost was different than the old one. Where the old checksum was saved I do not know, since even deleting the whole cache directory did not get rid of it. Maybe I did something wrong, I am not really familiar with maintaining repositories. I solved it somehow, not sure what it was, probably a 'pacman -Syy'.

AUR maintainers absolutely, positively should bump the pkgrel on dependency sover bumps.

You don't see the official repositories just rebuilding without bumping the pkgrel, do you??? What on earth do you think the pkgrel variable exists for?

Please notify the maintainer of the package you are talking about, and tell them they are failing in their duty as an AUR maintainer if they do not update the pkgrel.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#30 2016-09-14 00:09:20

Registered: 2006-07-07
Posts: 485

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Eschwartz wrote:

Please notify the maintainer of the package you are talking about, and tell them they are failing in their duty as an AUR maintainer if they do not update the pkgrel.

That's all cute and fluffy, but in the real world soname bumps of AUR packages are the user's responsibility.

If you're no ready to deal with that, don't use the AUR.


#31 2016-09-27 18:15:06

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Spyhawk wrote:
Eschwartz wrote:

Please notify the maintainer of the package you are talking about, and tell them they are failing in their duty as an AUR maintainer if they do not update the pkgrel.

That's all cute and fluffy, but in the real world soname bumps of AUR packages are the user's responsibility.

If you're no ready to deal with that, don't use the AUR.

Exactly. So tools for AUR need to provide a way to do simple rebuilds.

I discovered what seems to be a bug, unless I am doing something wrong again.

This fails with aurutils 1.3.3: 'aursync -c zerobrane-studio'
The trouble seems to be that applying the patch fails, quite simply because the patch is missing from the actual build directory (/var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/<USERNAME>/build/wxlua-svn/). Only 'pkg' and 'src' are in there.
It seems to work without the '-c'.


#32 2016-10-01 00:38:52

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

As the man page tells you, -c builds packages in an nspawn container (via makechrootpkg). The number of AUR maintainers who test their packages this way can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so issues like that are expected.

Last edited by Alad (2016-10-01 00:42:04)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#33 2016-10-10 22:29:15

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Alad wrote:

As the man page tells you, -c builds packages in an nspawn container (via makechrootpkg). The number of AUR maintainers who test their packages this way can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so issues like that are expected.

Do you have a suggestion how to fix that? All he did was apply a patch in a straightforward way.

Can you tell me how to rebuild git packages?


#34 2016-10-11 00:26:31

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

That PKGBUILD has several problems, but properly specifying the patch in the sources array (thus ensuring it is copied by makepkg into the "$srcdir") is not one of them...

PKGBUILDs are *supposed* to use "$srcdir" to reference files, not "$startdir" -- and this PKGBUILD is actually doing that correctly.

"/var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/<USERNAME>/build/wxlua-svn/" is not the "$srcdir", it is the directory that contains both the "$srcdir" and "$pkgdir"... is this just extra confusing when in the context of makechrootpkg or something? Because this is basic makepkg stuff...



You are doing something wrong, because if I try building that package via makechrootpkg, it successfully patches itself (before failing to configure because I skipped the dependencies, but that is a totally different, irrelevant point).

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#35 2016-10-11 14:24:05

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Well, it still does not work for me with 'aursync -c wxlua-svn'. Any suggestion what to do about it?

As for git packages, the only way to rebuild them that I found is to add -nover, is that how it's supposed to work?


#36 2016-10-11 14:46:47

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

yikes I was looking at the first package, zerobrane-studio.

The wxlua-svn dependency is indeed broken in that regard, (but that doesn't happen during the build of zerobrane-studio).


In any event, the solution is always the same -- comment on the package and tell the maintainer to read the basic definition of a PKGBUILD.

Also, the packager who packaged both those packages needs to know how to use the prepare function, and keep up with Arch current events (e.g. pacman hooks obsoleting that very specific install file).

EDIT: Point out to the maintainer that their naive incompetence means their current PKGBUILD will break in *any* workflow which defines "$BUILDDIR" -- just because makechrootpkg is the main user of "$BUILDDIR" does not mean users don't set it by hand as well... like to build packages in a tmpfs after cloning the PKGBUILD into a persistent directory

Last edited by eschwartz (2016-10-11 16:50:34)

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#37 2016-10-11 15:38:20

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

I agree with Eschwartz that you should simply leave a note to the maintainer.

As for git packages, the only way to rebuild them that I found is to add -nover, is that how it's supposed to work?

Yes. If you want more complex behaviour, patches welcome:

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#38 2017-01-02 17:47:26

Registered: 2016-12-27
Posts: 27

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur


That helper seems great !

I have been wondering for weeks (since I switched to Arch) why there was no helper to build in a subvol snapshot.
So I did it by hand initially not to pollute the system with the build dependancies.

So I:
1. installed it and set it up as per the manpages.
2. pacman -Suyya
3. then I tried to build nootka without success by aursync -c nootka.
4. erase the subvolumes /var/lib/aurbuild/root and /var/lib/aurbuild/$USER
5. suspecting the base system may not be enough for kde app, I tried to snapshot my root to /var/lib/aurbuild/root. It then replies me when relaunching aursync -c xxx that the folder /var/lib/aurbuild/root already exists.
5. tried to build bash3 with aursync -c bash3. IT WORKED

What is defining the btrfs subvolume root as an aurbuild that makes a difference from the aurbuild created one ?
Nootka builds with yaourt without concern. Any idea of where it can come from ?

All build dependancies etc should be in automatically.
At least I did not install any extra in my arch setup prior to building with yaourt.

Thansk so much in advance, that would be my only helper if that works !

oxy@helium ~ $ aursync -c bash3
  -> Using [custom] repository
==> Resolving dependencies...
  -> bash3 0 -> 3.2.057-3
==> Retrieving build files...
 = [à jour]          master     -> origin/master

Here, creates the chroot subvol:

install: création du répertoire '/var/lib/aurbuild/i686'
Create subvolume '/var/lib/aurbuild/i686/root'
==> Creating install root at /var/lib/aurbuild/i686/root
==> Installing packages to /var/lib/aurbuild/i686/root
:: Synchronizing package databases...


:: There are 25 members in group base-devel:
:: Repository core
   1) autoconf  2) automake  3) binutils  4) bison  5) fakeroot  6) file  7) findutils  8) flex  9) gawk  10) gcc  11) gettext
   12) grep  13) groff  14) gzip  15) libtool  16) m4  17) make  18) pacman  19) patch  20) pkg-config  21) sed  22) sudo
   23) texinfo  24) util-linux  25) which

Enter a selection (default=all): 

........... Installs the base-devel

==> Creating clean working copy [oxy]...done
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 custom is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do

...... Normal since up-to-date system just retrieved

==> Making package: bash3 3.2.057-3 (Mon Jan  2 13:27:00 AST 2017)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading bash-3.2.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed 

It works !

Now building a Kde app (nootka):

oxy@helium /var/cache $ aursync -c nootka
  -> Using [custom] repository
==> Resolving dependencies...
  -> nootka 0 -> 1.4.0-1
==> Retrieving build files...
 = [à jour]          master     -> origin/master
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community                                                3.7 MiB  1866K/s 00:02 [##############################################] 100%
 custom                                                   4.0 KiB  0.00B/s 00:00 [##############################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Creating clean working copy [oxy]...done
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 custom is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Making package: nootka 1.4.0-1 (Mon Jan  2 13:43:03 AST 2017)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found nootka-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    nootka-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2 ... Passed
==> Making package: nootka 1.4.0-1 (Mon Jan  2 13:43:06 AST 2017)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 4 providers available for libgl:
:: Repository extra
   1) mesa-libgl  2) nvidia-304xx-libgl  3) nvidia-340xx-libgl  4) nvidia-libgl

Enter a number (default=1): 
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency

Packages (74) avahi-0.6.32-2  damageproto-1.2.1-3  dbus-1.10.14-1  fixesproto-5.0-3  fontconfig-2.12.1-3  freetype2-2.7.1-1
              graphite-1:1.3.9-1  harfbuzz-1.3.4-1  hwids-20161103-1  inputproto-2.3.2-1  iptables-1.6.0-1  kbd-2.0.3-1
              kbproto-1.0.7-1  kmod-23-1  libcups-2.2.1-1  libdaemon-0.14-3  libdrm-2.4.74-1  libedit-20160903_3.1-1  libelf-0.167-1
              libevdev-1.5.5-1  libgudev-230-1  libice-1.0.9-1  libidn-1.33-1  libinput-1.5.3-1  libjpeg-turbo-1.5.1-1
              libmnl-1.0.4-1  libnftnl-1.0.7-1  libogg-1.3.2-1  libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3-1  libpciaccess-0.13.4-1  libpng-1.6.27-1
              libproxy-0.4.13-1  libseccomp-2.3.1-1  libsm-1.2.2-2  libtiff-4.0.7-2  libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-6  libusb-1.0.21-1
              libwacom-0.22-1  libx11-1.6.4-1  libxau-1.0.8-2  libxcb-1.12-1  libxdamage-1.1.4-2  libxdmcp-1.1.2-1  libxext-1.3.3-1
              libxfixes-5.0.3-1  libxi-1.7.8-1  libxkbcommon-0.7.0-1  libxkbcommon-x11-0.7.0-1  libxml2-2.9.4+12+ge905f08-2
              libxrender-0.9.10-1  libxshmfence-1.2-1  libxxf86vm-1.1.4-1  llvm-libs-3.9.1-2  mesa-13.0.2-2  mesa-libgl-13.0.2-2
              mtdev-1.1.5-1  renderproto-0.11.1-3  systemd-232-6  tslib-1.2-1  wayland-1.12.0-1  xcb-proto-1.12-2  xcb-util-0.4.0-1
              xcb-util-image-0.4.0-1  xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0-1  xcb-util-wm-0.4.1-1  xextproto-7.3.0-1  xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1-3
              xkeyboard-config-2.19-1  xproto-7.0.31-1  fftw-3.3.5-1  libvorbis-1.3.5-1  qt5-base-5.7.1-1  shared-mime-info-1.7-1

Total Installed Size:  248.26 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(74/74) checking keys in keyring                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(74/74) checking package integrity                                               [##############################################] 100%
(74/74) loading package files                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(74/74) checking for file conflicts                                              [##############################################] 100%
(74/74) checking available disk space                                            [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/74) installing libjpeg-turbo                                                 [##############################################] 100%
( 2/74) installing xcb-proto                                                     [##############################################] 100%
( 3/74) installing xproto                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 4/74) installing libxdmcp                                                      [##############################################] 100%
( 5/74) installing libxau                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 6/74) installing libxcb                                                        [##############################################] 100%
( 7/74) installing xcb-util-keysyms                                              [##############################################] 100%
( 8/74) installing libpciaccess                                                  [##############################################] 100%
( 9/74) installing libdrm                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(10/74) installing libxml2                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(11/74) installing wayland                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(12/74) installing kbproto                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(13/74) installing libx11                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(14/74) installing xextproto                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(15/74) installing libxext                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(16/74) installing xf86vidmodeproto                                              [##############################################] 100%
(17/74) installing libxxf86vm                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(18/74) installing fixesproto                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(19/74) installing libxfixes                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(20/74) installing damageproto                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(21/74) installing libxdamage                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(22/74) installing libxshmfence                                                  [##############################################] 100%
(23/74) installing libelf                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(24/74) installing libomxil-bellagio                                             [##############################################] 100%
(25/74) installing libtxc_dxtn                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(26/74) installing libedit                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(27/74) installing llvm-libs                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(28/74) installing mesa                                                          [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for mesa
    opengl-man-pages: for the OpenGL API man pages
    mesa-vdpau: for accelerated video playback
    libva-mesa-driver: for accelerated video playback
(29/74) installing mesa-libgl                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(30/74) installing libpng                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(31/74) installing graphite                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(32/74) installing harfbuzz                                                      [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    cairo: hb-view program
(33/74) installing freetype2                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(34/74) installing fontconfig                                                    [##############################################] 100%
  Fontconfig configuration is done via /etc/fonts/conf.avail and conf.d.
  Read /etc/fonts/conf.d/README for more information.

  Configuration via /etc/fonts/local.conf is still possible,
  but is no longer recommended for options available in conf.avail.

  Main systemwide configuration should be done by symlinks
  (especially for autohinting, sub-pixel and lcdfilter):
  cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
  ln -s ../conf.avail/XX-foo.conf
  Check also

updating font cache... done.
(35/74) installing xcb-util-wm                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(36/74) installing renderproto                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(37/74) installing libxrender                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(38/74) installing inputproto                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(39/74) installing libxi                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(40/74) installing xcb-util                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(41/74) installing xcb-util-image                                                [##############################################] 100%
(42/74) installing tslib                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(43/74) installing mtdev                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(44/74) installing dbus                                                          [##############################################] 100%
(45/74) installing libmnl                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(46/74) installing libnftnl                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(47/74) installing iptables                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(48/74) installing kbd                                                           [##############################################] 100%
(49/74) installing kmod                                                          [##############################################] 100%
(50/74) installing hwids                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(51/74) installing libidn                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(52/74) installing libseccomp                                                    [##############################################] 100%
(53/74) installing systemd                                                       [##############################################] 100%
warning: directory permissions differ on /var/log/journal/
filesystem: 755  package: 2755
Creating group systemd-journal-upload with gid 999.
Creating user systemd-journal-upload (systemd Journal Upload) with uid 999 and gid 999.
Creating group systemd-coredump with gid 998.
Creating user systemd-coredump (systemd Core Dumper) with uid 998 and gid 998.
Creating group systemd-journal-remote with gid 997.
Creating user systemd-journal-remote (systemd Journal Remote) with uid 997 and gid 997.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/
:: Append 'init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd' to your kernel command line in your
   bootloader to replace sysvinit with systemd, or install systemd-sysvcompat
Optional dependencies for systemd
    cryptsetup: required for encrypted block devices
    libmicrohttpd: remote journald capabilities
    quota-tools: kernel-level quota management
    systemd-sysvcompat: symlink package to provide sysvinit binaries
    polkit: allow administration as unprivileged user
(54/74) installing libevdev                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(55/74) installing libgudev                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(56/74) installing libwacom                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(57/74) installing libinput                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(58/74) installing libice                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(59/74) installing libsm                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(60/74) installing xkeyboard-config                                              [##############################################] 100%
(61/74) installing libxkbcommon                                                  [##############################################] 100%
(62/74) installing libxkbcommon-x11                                              [##############################################] 100%
(63/74) installing libproxy                                                      [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for libproxy
    networkmanager: NetworkManager configuration module
    perl: Perl bindings [installed]
    python2: Python bindings
    glib2: gsettings configuration module [installed]
    js17: PAC proxy support - Mozilla based pacrunner
    webkit2gtk: PAC proxy support - Webkit based pacrunner
(64/74) installing libtiff                                                       [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
(65/74) installing libdaemon                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(66/74) installing avahi                                                         [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for avahi
    gtk3: avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc
    gtk2: gtk2 bindings
    qt4: qt4 bindings
    pygtk: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover
    python2-twisted: avahi-bookmarks
    mono: mono bindings
    python2-dbus: avahi-discover
    nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS
(67/74) installing libusb                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(68/74) installing libcups                                                       [##############################################] 100%
(69/74) installing qt5-base                                                      [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for qt5-base
    qt5-svg: to use SVG icon themes
    postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL driver
    libmariadbclient: MariaDB driver
    unixodbc: ODBC driver
    libfbclient: Firebird/iBase driver
    freetds: MS SQL driver
    mtdev: evdev plugin [installed]
    gtk3: GTK platform plugin
(70/74) installing fftw                                                          [##############################################] 100%
(71/74) installing shared-mime-info                                              [##############################################] 100%
(72/74) installing libogg                                                        [##############################################] 100%
(73/74) installing libvorbis                                                     [##############################################] 100%
(74/74) installing soundtouch                                                    [##############################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/3) Updating the info directory file...
(2/3) Updating udev Hardware Database...
(3/3) Updating the MIME type database...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) jsoncpp-1.7.7-1  libuv-1.10.1-1  cmake-3.7.1-1

Total Installed Size:  28.88 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
(3/3) checking keys in keyring                                                   [##############################################] 100%
(3/3) checking package integrity                                                 [##############################################] 100%
(3/3) loading package files                                                      [##############################################] 100%
(3/3) checking for file conflicts                                                [##############################################] 100%
(3/3) checking available disk space                                              [##############################################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/3) installing jsoncpp                                                         [##############################################] 100%
(2/3) installing libuv                                                           [##############################################] 100%
(3/3) installing cmake                                                           [##############################################] 100%
Optional dependencies for cmake
    qt5-base: cmake-gui [installed]
    libxkbcommon-x11: cmake-gui [installed]
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Updating the MIME type database...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found nootka-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    nootka-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2 ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting nootka-1.4.0-source.tar.bz2 with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 6.2.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.2.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done

-- Fftw3 was Found in:
headers are in: /usr/include
-- Ogg Vorbis was Found in:
headers are in: /usr/include /usr/include
-- SoundTouch was Found in:
headers are in: /usr/include
-- support for ALSA              FALSE
-- support for JACK              FALSE
-- support for PulseAudio        FALSE
-- check for updates             TRUE
-- Architecture is i686
        To build source package, call:
        make src

        To enable launching nootka without installing, call:
        make runinplace
        Binary nootka is in src folder, so launch it invoking: ./src/nootka

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "NootkaSound" in directory /build/nootka/src/nootka-1.4.0-source/src/libs/sound

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/build/nootka/src/nootka-1.4.0-source/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/aurbuild/i686/oxy/build


#39 2017-01-02 18:01:15

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

What is defining the btrfs subvolume root as an aurbuild that makes a difference from the aurbuild created one ?

aurbuild looks for a file named .arch-chroot in the root to check if it should create a new container or update an existing one (as this file is created by mkarchcroot). So if you'd like create a container by hand, you should also create this file.

Nootka builds with yaourt without concern. Any idea of where it can come from ?

This seems to be because alsa-lib is not specified as a dependency. I've reported it to the maintainer: … ent-576357

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#40 2017-01-04 15:13:09

Registered: 2016-12-27
Posts: 27

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur


1. Thanks for the info, I did not notice the hidden file when looking at first.

2. I suspected something like that, but though I saw it part of the install. Anyway, if it is a package problem, thanks even more for seeing that.

Also, a few questions:

1. Is there an impossibility for the wrapper to encompass repos + AUR when looking for packages, build and install transparently ? A bit like yaourt does.

2. When one tries from the same user to build 2 packages at the same time, there is a clash since the snapshot from ...../root to ..../$USER is the same for all.
Couldn't the system create the snapshot as $USER-package 9even trimmed name of package to avoid long names concerns) ?

Otherwise, it works brilliantly instead of polluting the system with build dependancies !
Thanks !


#41 2017-01-04 20:54:20

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

heliumtt wrote:

1. Is there an impossibility for the wrapper to encompass repos + AUR when looking for packages, build and install transparently ? A bit like yaourt does.

You can write a shell function to that effect. For example:

allsearch() {
  pacman -Ss "$@"
  aursearch "$@"

allinstall() {
  readarray -t aur < <(printf '%s\n' "$@" | aursift)
  [[ ${aur[@]} ]] && aursync -Tc "${aur[@]}"
  sudo pacman -Syu "$@"
heliumtt wrote:

2. When one tries from the same user to build 2 packages at the same time, there is a clash since the snapshot from ...../root to ..../$USER is the same for all.
Couldn't the system create the snapshot as $USER-package 9even trimmed name of package to avoid long names concerns) ?

You can use the -T flag to aursync, which creates a temporary container in the form of ../$USER-$PID, e.g. ../archie-30606. Note that when running multiple instances, only one can update the ../root container at a time (using arch-nspawn) so there may be a slight delay.

Last edited by Alad (2017-01-04 21:01:48)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#42 2017-02-16 19:18:32

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

For a while now aurcheck stopped working for me. The  repo name is aur.
$ aurcheck aur
    usage: aurcheck [-aq] [-r root] repository

aursync still works. I also noted a while ago that the man pages are out of date, for example the one for aurcheck.


#43 2017-03-05 18:35:31

Registered: 2014-04-22
Posts: 22

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

aursync -cu
==> ERROR: chroot '/var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/root' is not at version v4. Please rebuild.

This is caused by a recent devtools update.


#44 2017-03-05 21:11:32

From: Earth/Europe/Austria
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 51

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

I got the same error. The fix was relatively easy: delete /var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/

I switched to the git version of aurutils and with that 'aurcheck -d reponame' works. The current release version is broken in that regard.


#45 2017-03-06 01:17:20

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Thanks for the report, I'll make a new release soon.

Last edited by Alad (2017-03-06 01:17:38)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#46 2017-03-07 15:18:28

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

aurcheck -d <repo> is now mentioned in aurcheck(1), though otherwise not all documentation has been updated yet.

Also note that aurbuild and aursync now rely on Bash 4.4; after 6 months, I assume most Arch users have updated to that release.

Last edited by Alad (2017-03-12 19:34:31)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#47 2017-03-16 16:45:55

Registered: 2014-03-08
Posts: 421

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Thanks for this. I generally just use makepkg, but I just realised I had to update some packages that were a nightmare trial of dependencies the first time. Looked around at the helpers available, and realised this also pushes me to use a local repo, which I've intended to do for ages. smile


#48 2017-04-24 20:10:19

Registered: 2010-07-06
Posts: 68

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

What's a recommended way of removing a package from a custom local repo?

aursync -u lists packages I no longer have installed. I've tried repose -d <repo.db> <package> to no avail.


#49 2017-04-25 07:05:38

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

After removing a package from the database with repose -d, you should propagate the changes to pacman as well with pacsync <yourrepo>. Note that repose will re-add those packages on new invocations*, unless you move them to a different location (or extension) or simply remove them. Latter is easy using repoctl.

* aurbuild also supports repo-add to only add packages selectively

Last edited by Alad (2017-04-25 07:11:16)

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


#50 2017-04-29 23:58:19

Wiki Admin/IRC Op
From: Bagelstan
Registered: 2014-05-04
Posts: 2,420

Re: aurutils - helper tools for the aur

Support for repose is removed in master, see

As repose is incompatible to repo-add, I'm giving people some time to rebuild their databases before tagging a new release. To do so, run:

cd /var/cache/pacman/myrepo/
rm myrepo.db* myrepo.files*
repo-add -n myrepo.db.tar *.pkg.tar.xz

If you want to maintain automatic database management, you can switch to a compatible tool such as repoctl:

Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby


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