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#1 2016-12-20 23:36:01

From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Registered: 2016-04-14
Posts: 91

[Solved] Anki 32-bit support for Japanese Support add-on for Arch

One add-on for Anki (a flashcard app) requires 32 bit binary support. I figured that perhaps installing mulitilib might work but it didn't. I still get the error message:

Please ensure your Linux system has 32 bit binary support.

The name of the add-on is Japanese Support. I was wondering if anyone on this forum might be using Anki (since it is in the community repositories) and installed this add-on successfully. Maybe I am going at it incorrectly or maybe I have just left out a step or two.

Last edited by WeeDram (2017-01-06 18:26:25)


#2 2016-12-23 20:57:26

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,276

Re: [Solved] Anki 32-bit support for Japanese Support add-on for Arch

You need at least lib32-glibc, do you have that?

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#3 2016-12-24 21:35:38

From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Registered: 2016-04-14
Posts: 91

Re: [Solved] Anki 32-bit support for Japanese Support add-on for Arch

I have that now: I installed it after reading your reply. Still no luck. The error message given by Anki was longer than the one I gave above so I'm going to post that in my next reply, as soon as I can get back to my computer and replicate it. It is specific to the add-on but perhaps someone can recognize what is going on. I had hoped that someone had already installed Anki successfully on Arch and could provide help.


#4 2016-12-25 18:10:45

From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Registered: 2016-04-14
Posts: 91

Re: [Solved] Anki 32-bit support for Japanese Support add-on for Arch

Ok, here is the error message as generated by the Anki Japanese Support add-on when I tried to use it. Perhaps someone here can see something in it that might help me make changes somewhere:

An error occurred in an add-on.
Please post on the add-on forum:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/anki/aqt/", line 18, in run
    return unicode(self._bridge(unicode(str)))
  File "/usr/share/anki/aqt/", line 462, in bridge
    "editFocusLost", False, self.note, self.currentField):
  File "/usr/share/anki/anki/", line 32, in runFilter
    arg = func(arg, *args)
  File "/home/ross/Documents/Anki/addons/japanese/", line 209, in onFocusLost
    n[dst] = mecab.reading(srcTxt)
  File "/home/ross/Documents/Anki/addons/japanese/", line 79, in reading
IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe


#5 2017-01-06 18:25:28

From: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Registered: 2016-04-14
Posts: 91

Re: [Solved] Anki 32-bit support for Japanese Support add-on for Arch

For what it is worth, this problem has been solved. I received suggestions from  Anki support and found a way to get the add-on working.
Essentially, the two options were to install the i386 version of libstdc++ or to find and install the 64 bit versions of mecab and kakasi. I chose to try the latter option first and this was successful. Mecab is available in the Arch AUR and  kaksi is available in the Arch community repository.
After installing them on your system, go to the directory ...  /Anki/addons/japanese/support/ and copy mecab and kakasi from wherever they reside to mecab.lin and kakasi.lin in this directory. Either overwrite the existing files or rename the existing as mecab.bak and kakasi.bak (or whatever). That is all that is necessary and you should be able to now automatically create furigana for the kanji in your cards.
Just a note: Anki is a pretty amazing "flash card" program. It is definitelyNOT just for Japanese. It supports pictures, diagrams, sound as well as words. I know of people using it to help remember facts etc. from law, chemistry, physics and even linux commands. Their support service is very good. Other than being a user, I am not in any way connected to Anki.
Thank you to the people here on Arch that tried to help.


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