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For whatever reason, the live medium is booting as i686 on my Core 2 Duo iMac.
While the actual Arch install recognizes that it's an x86_64 machine, packages installed through the live medium come in as i686.
This causes issues (for example, I had errors with my graphics driver where the screen goes black – when I boot into the live usb to fix it, any files installed will by i686).
My question is: Is it safe to delete the i686 files from my live medium, in order to force it to boot in x86_64 mode?
If so, which files/directories should I focus on?
How did you write the image to the drive?
Ignore this post. See Scimmia's reply below.
pacstrap is just a wrapper around pacman with some default arguments. By my interpretation of the code (I haven't tested it), you should be able to pass "--arch x86_64" as the final argument to pacstrap to force it to use your target architecture (or use the pacstrap option to select a modified configuration file with the Architecture set to x86_64).
Last edited by Xyne (2017-01-19 17:46:12)
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
If it's booting i686, though, he wouldn't be able to chroot, and a whole lot of install scripts and hooks would fail. Don't do this.
How did you write the image to the drive?
I used unetbootin only because I got a "Missing Operating System" error when using dd directly.
Yeah, unetbootin is the problem here. Know issue.
Got it. So is it feasible to delete the i686 files, or should I be looking to solve the Missing OS issue?
For clarification, the dd write was done exactly as in the wiki, from an existing Arch install:
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync
Maybe try another usb drive? I had some issues with a very cheap one, no boot at all..
Is this a UEFI or a BIOS system?
Being that old, is it a 32-bit UEFI implementation? Information on that is in the Wiki.
Seems to have 64 bit UEFI. It's a late 2009 27" iMac. Seems like earlier than 2007 had 32 bit.
Core 2 Duo in a late 2009 system? Wouldn't have expected that.
If that's the case, writing it directly to USB should work AFAIK.
Pages: 1