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#1 2017-02-17 18:21:59

From: Eastern Europe, Poland
Registered: 2013-06-30
Posts: 623

[SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)


I'd like to ask for your help. I...did very stupid thing and i ended up with losing the ability to login to my Arch on laptop. I tried to fix it with the live usb but i did one more stupid thing while it worked. I wanted to do a full upgrade but there were errors saying that PGP are invalid or i deleted the one that i saw in the errors and finally i removed two very important:


and after removing it i booted Arch live usb, chrooted my Arch and...i found that i'm not able to use pacman, install or reinstall anything because of the error i posted in topic name - policy plugin failed session initialization.

Could somebody help? I think that removing krb5 did all this mess...Even on chrooted arch i'm not able to install, reinstall and cant now fix it. When i want do use pacman i have error:

error while loading shared libraries = cannot open shared object file 

Thanks ;(

Last edited by firekage (2017-02-18 20:53:50)


#2 2017-02-17 18:36:55

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

Instead of chrooting in use Pacman#pacman_crashes_during_an_upgrade


#3 2017-02-17 18:51:37

From: Eastern Europe, Poland
Registered: 2013-06-30
Posts: 623

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

No luck, i cant do it with this approach also. Everything goes fine, files are being downloaded and than few of them returns the same error:

 file /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg/XYZ.pkg.tar.yz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)). Do you want to delete it? 

i hit


and i have

error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package) 
Errors occured. No packages were updated 


#4 2017-02-17 19:03:42

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

Was krb5 one of the packages with such an error?
Would be useful to have the exact command you executed plus its full output.


#5 2017-02-17 19:26:20

From: Eastern Europe, Poland
Registered: 2013-06-30
Posts: 623

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

1. Yes.

The rest of them are:


Exact command is the one that is on Wiki in the topic you linked to. After command are files are being downloaded, verified, installed and with the one abowe i have mentioned error and everything stops and is being aborted.

pacman --root=/mnt --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg -Syyu

I did even on arch-chroot something more - i disabled PGP signing in /etc/pacman.conf but it still cant sing these above packaged. I did pacman-key --populate archlinux, nothing new.

Last edited by firekage (2017-02-17 19:27:15)


#6 2017-02-17 19:56:27

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

I would recommend changing the thread title to something indicating a pacman breakage or pacman:invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)


#7 2017-02-18 21:00:52

From: Eastern Europe, Poland
Registered: 2013-06-30
Posts: 623

Re: [SOLVED] Pacman invalid corrupted packages (pgp signature)

I was able to solve my problem. In fact, it was great experience - i broken system, cant even log to it, and spend few hours yesterday and today in order to learn something new and try to fix it. FIXED! I could boot my Arch from my laptop.

I had to do some steps:

-boot into live cd
-mount my Arch linux installation to /mnt and this part was somewhat confusing because i always booted and mounted as /mnt/arch and with /mnt/arch i just could not sign correctly PGP signatures at all, dirmngr could not work correctly and connect to server to download or refresh keys so with many tried i was able to do it with mounting my Arch, as i said, to /mnt
-deleted gnupg config files
-reinstalled gnupg package again
-i than did an --init to keys, than --populate archlinux and after that i refreshed keys with --refresh-keys and when i mounted my Arch to /mnt instead of /mnt/arch i saw, for the first time during theese two days, that 82 keys were refreshed, and many more that i have was refreshed. This gave me hope that i went to a good direction
-after keys were refreshed i did pacman -Syyu with pacman -root=/mnt --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg and i saw that my packages that were downloaded are being really installed, and for the first time integrity was finshed

After all these steps i booted to my Arch but...that was something strange. It stalled on TTY, i could not log to TTY. I booted again livecd. chrooted to my arch and again did -Syyu. I saw that about 10-15 packages were installed (lib-xxxxx) and after that i rebooted again and...WORKS! FIXED!


BTW - i dont understand two things that occured.

1. Why disabled signing PGP did not helped at all?
2. Why deleting, during upgrade, packages that had problems with pgp, aborted all upgrade process because...they cant be deleted, removed or what? Pacman asked if i want to delete, i hit yes and...i saw that pgp fails and because of this fails errors were detected and upgrade was being aborted. Why?

Last edited by firekage (2017-02-18 21:06:28)


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