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I'm trying to install Linux for quite a while now with different distributions (open suse, zorin, kali, archlinux ..) and always get the same outcome : ''network unreachable''
I want to settle for Arch Linux and get it to work since so far I like it best.
I have got a Gigabyte motherboard with onboard Lan and an extra PCI Express Lan Card since people suggested it solves the problem to try another, which obv. did not work (check links below) … o.jpg?dl=0 … o.jpg?dl=0
I've googled a whole lot of forum posts and used the archlinux wiki (dhcpcd to be precise) for some solutions but none did help so far.
What I've tried so far:
dhcp request / restart
changed dhcp config file according to the troubleshoot article (Archwiki)
manually adding mac adress to exclude the possibility that the router has issues with the interface
manual network configuration (only tried that on kali, got a connection to only the router for a minute hit the reset button and never got it working again)
and some more suggestions which at the moment I can not recall
ps: dualboot with Win 10 ; connection is working fine on Windows; other PC in the same network are running fine on whatever distribution
Looking forward for some insight. Take care.
Last edited by Niisan (2017-02-18 19:45:54)
This looks like an issue in your network.
Do other devices have the same problem,
Also can you reach the web using a different operating system?
And is it possible to ping for instance or of google).
This way we can rule out if there are any dns problems and or hardware issues.
Hey Jeroen,
Thank you for your reply.
Other devices run just fine on windows and linux.
Whatever IP I'm trying to ping, (yes, even the router) can not be reached.
My PC has no issues on windows OS, only Linux refuses to connect.
It seems that Linux is able to detect your hardware and has drivers for it.
Have you tried manually setting its static ip adress?(Therefore bypassing dhcpcd)
Welcome to Arch Linux. Take a look at the output of ip link
Do you see your NIC(s) in that list?
Are you running from the install media?
When you attach the cable, does the link light on the computer next to the Ethernet connector come on?
If you have access to your router, does its link light come on?
Are there any interesting messages in the journal?
If you have root access to the router, can you see its logs?
On a different tack, does your system get an IP for the interface? Check with the output of ip addr
If it does, what are the output of ip route
As a sanity check, what happens if you run dhcpcd from the console?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
I'm sorry for the late reply. I was unable to respond due to illness.
@ewaller the output of the ip link states that the NIC is up. I am running from a bootable usb.
The link light is up on pc and router. Unfortuenately I have no access to the logs of the router.
I think dhcpcd is running but without result.
ip route looks pretty empty. No route added no default gateway .. Please check the picture. … o.jpg?dl=0
@Jeroen I manually configured the network; added df gateway, gave my NIC a fitting ip address and netmask.
The thing is, when I pinged the router it was able to transmit one packet, the rest failed due to : "Host unreachable" or "No buffer space available" … o.jpg?dl=0 … o.jpg?dl=0
Take care
Well, that is interesting. No IPv4 address, but it looks like you've a routable IPv6 address. Can you ping or
When you run windows, if you run ipconfig in powershell, do you get a an IPv4 address? Do you get an IPv6 address that does not start with fe80: ?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
I'm not able to ping an external website.
It does got an IPv4 address on windows. Even tho i dont really get why there are 3 different IPv6 addresses … g.jpg?dl=0
Maybe I do have to set a manual IPv6 route instead of trying with a IPv4?
Do you think I should do that, or does it not matter ?
I wouldn't even try. IPv6 and I have a lot of opportunities to get to know each other. The fe80 is a local network address. It was the other two that were interesting -- they have to be coming from someplace.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
I was finally able to get network access.
I had to disable kernel modesetting (nomodeset). … de_setting
Thank you all for the help.
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