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#1 2017-03-18 21:26:27

Registered: 2017-03-18
Posts: 11

[SOLVED] console is split on initial boot


Newbie here, but as the question is related with the Installation (I don't have a running machine yet and as this is my main and only machine also no way of doing anything besides the install shell and my phone) I posted it here.

I followed the guide quiet straight forward, went some different routes here and there (I have 3 SSDs, 1x 119gb, 1x 111gb, 1x 240gb, where I put the first two in an L.VM and put a RAID0 across a 231gb part of the third, with a neat esp on the rest of the (non-raid) space).

(more in second post as the form is not mobilefriendly according to what I see)

Last edited by r79 (2017-03-18 21:36:23)


#2 2017-03-18 21:27:26

Registered: 2017-03-18
Posts: 11

Re: [SOLVED] console is split on initial boot

After having fiddled around with all the troubles this  insanely useless and ridiculous disksetup I chose brought with it, I finally ended at the reboot, where I'm presented with this output from the step after the initram (wild guess, grub went through and loaded the initram, which closed and openend the linked output).

Now I have no idea what else I could do. I checked all the steps in the manual 3x, even started looking for other problem sources (I had 2x GTX980 in SLI, so I removed one), but the problem still persists

Last edited by r79 (2017-03-18 21:29:24)


#3 2017-03-18 21:31:50

Registered: 2017-03-18
Posts: 11

Re: [SOLVED] console is split on initial boot

Some interesting observation: it seems like the system does not crash in this situation. I can still ctrl+alt+delete to trigger a reboot (and in theory scroll through the output by spamming enter).

I came into this thing multiple times aswell.

From what I'm able to grasp, the step where it all freezes is when the audiodrivers get loaded.


#4 2017-03-18 21:35:21

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: [SOLVED] console is split on initial boot

Please use the edit button rather than continuing to bump the thread every couple of minutes.

Is this on the initial boot of the new installation, or in the live media? If the latter, have you enabled early KMS? What options, if any, are you passing to the kernel in your config?

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#5 2017-03-18 21:37:45

Registered: 2017-03-18
Posts: 11

Re: [SOLVED] console is split on initial boot

Sry my phones browser makes the forminput overlap the submitbutton...

Solved it by physically detaching all my screens except one.


#6 2017-03-18 22:31:34

From: Norfolk, UK
Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 5,776

Re: [SOLVED] console is split on initial boot

r79 wrote:

Sry my phones browser makes the forminput overlap the submitbutton...

My Android phone does this too, rotating the screen redraws the input window in the correct place.

No, it didn't "fix" anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. - jasonwryan
Closing -- for deletion; Banning -- for muppetry. - jasonwryan

aur - dotfiles


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