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Since IDK, I can't run any 32bits programs
the symptoms has been described here [1]. but the fix posted in this topic is already linked ok in my installation
i tried reinstall lib32-glibc, glibc and filesystem, also check installation pacman -Q --check, and if exist orphan files in /usr/lib /usr/lib32 with a helper script (find $1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 pacman -Qo | grep Ning)
no sucess
any help for debug what happen?
Last edited by sl1pkn07 (2017-03-26 17:19:22)
any help :S? i'm out of ideas
hey there, if you have a nvidia card try this commands
--> pacman -S lib32-nvidia-utils
--> pacman -S lib32-nvidia-libgl
Arch Linux + dwm
boss, what does a video driver have to do with this?
sl1pkn07, please do not power-post/bump. If no one responded, it's likely because you didn't provide enough (any) information. Specifically, you've not given any output or error messages. What 32-bit program are you trying to run, and what is the complete output? What is the output of `ldd /path/to/32bit-program`?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Some 32 bit programs the process starts but does not go out on screen for example Steam
Arch Linux + dwm
@trylby: any 32 bits programs. the outpus is the same as the thread posted in the first post. no more no less
i highly doubt your output is identical. Post actual commands and output or this thread will go nowhere (at least no where you'll be happy with).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
└───╼ cat hello.c
/* Hello World program */
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
└───╼ gcc -o hello hello.c
└───╼ gcc -m32 -o hello-32 hello.c
└───╼ LC_ALL=C file hello
hello: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=d1d1603360ff1407d189589c0583174aba656984, not stripped, with debug_info
└───╼ LC_ALL=C file hello-32
hello-32: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=64cc1c653b4f06299b49fb11bf5ef71708fe3471, not stripped, with debug_info
└───╼ ./hello
Hello World
└───╼ ./hello-32
bash: ./hello-32: No such file or directory
└───╼ LC_ALL=C ldd hello
/usr/bin/ldd: línea 160: /usr/lib/ No such file or directory (0x00007fff76196000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fb88c2a5000)
/lib64/ (0x00007fb88c649000)
└───╼ LC_ALL=C ldd hello-32
/usr/bin/ldd: line 160: /usr/lib/ No such file or directory
not a dynamic executable
└───╼ ls /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 mar 8 16:12 /usr/lib/ -> ../lib32/
└───╼ ls /usr/lib32/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 mar 8 16:12 /usr/lib32/ ->
└───╼ ls /usr/lib32/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 164548 mar 8 16:12 /usr/lib32/
└───╼ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qo /usr/lib32/
/usr/lib32/ is owned by lib32-glibc 2.25-1
└───╼ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qo /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ is owned by lib32-glibc 2.25-1
└───╼ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qo /usr/lib32/
/usr/lib32/ is owned by lib32-glibc 2.25-1
happy now?
Last edited by sl1pkn07 (2017-05-09 16:43:34)
Yes, thank you, now we have something to work with.
What's the output of `pacman -Qs multilib-devel` and `findmnt -s`?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
└───╼ pacman -Qs multilib-devel
local/gcc-multilib 6.3.1-2 (multilib-devel)
The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends for multilib
local/lib32-fakeroot 1.21-1 (multilib-devel)
Tool for simulating superuser privileges (32-bit)
local/lib32-libltdl 2.4.6-4 (multilib-devel)
A generic library support script (32-bit)
└───╼ findmnt -s
/ UUID=1b76a96e-0c70-49c5-a90b-c5308f969a2f ext4 defaults,noatime
/home UUID=e355b196-1db2-492d-8c56-2536c66c61c4 ext4 defaults,noatime
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