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I am trying to install Arch on a machine which is connected to our institution LAN. The network uses SOPHOs Firewall. To get the IP address for the machine from the DHCP server, the client has to execute the an authentication program called caa with proper certificates, username and password.
Now, the problem is when I start caa with proper certificate, username and password, the client is able to connect to the server as I see from the messages I get. To remain connected, I cannot stop the client program.
To continue with Arch installation, I tried to change over to the next terminal by typing Alt+F1. But in this terminal, if I now try ping it is failing.
What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by rsamurti (2017-04-19 01:31:13)
Are you in a chroot when you run caa?
Can you work around this by back-grounding caa and continuing with the install? (either by appending & to the caa command, or by sending caa a ctrl-z followed by the bg command)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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Not sure about this setup, but in some, you have to get a new IP after authenticating.
I tried running the client in background as mentioned above. But same problem persists.
What about (to try and make the command think it is not connected to a shell by closing stdin, stdout and stderr ( syntax may be bash specific ) )
$ command 0<&- 1>&- 2>&- &
caa can be run in the background using the syntax as given above, but ping does not work.
What about Scimmia's suggestion?
Not sure about this setup, but in some, you have to get a new IP after authenticating.
Does running caa change the output of?
$ ip addr
If not try restarting the dhcpcd service Installation_guide#Connect_to_the_Internet
I executed caa in Terminal 1 with proper certificates, username and password.
After this, I opened Terminal 2 by pressing Alt+F2 and logged in as root.
In Terminal 2 when I did ping it was not showing the desired results. Then, I entered the line nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf. After this is pinging properly. That means that the DNS reference is not alright.
By following the steps mentioned above I was able to install the base system.
That means in our setup there is no need to get a new IP after authenticating by caa.
However I have this question:
The institution network uses the following settings
Default Gateway:
How to use these settings during the installation?
Thank you all for your support.
Last edited by rsamurti (2017-04-18 16:21:42)
What is the output of
$ systemctl status dhcpcd@$interfacename
$ ip route
$ ip address
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
Both before and after running caa.
Try restarting dhcpcd@interfacename and check again.
Does stopping dhcpcd@interfacename before running caa change the status of the above?
Start dhcdpcd@interfacename after caa has been run check the status again.
If all the above fails to obtains the settings via DHCP or being set by caa.
Network_configuration#Manual_assignment (to manually set the default gateway)
Resolv.conf#Using_openresolv or by directly editing /etc/resolv.conf (to set the nameservers)
What is the output of
$ systemctl status dhcpcd@$interfacename $ ip route $ ip address $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
Both before and after running caa.
Try restarting dhcpcd@interfacename and check again.
Does stopping dhcpcd@interfacename before running caa change the status of the above?
Start dhcdpcd@interfacename after caa has been run check the status again.
If all the above fails to obtains the settings via DHCP or being set by caa.
Network_configuration#Manual_assignment (to manually set the default gateway)
Resolv.conf#Using_openresolv or by directly editing /etc/resolv.conf (to set the nameservers)
I checked as explained above. There is no change in the status. The machine on which I am installing Arch is getting proper IP address. Even the default gateway IP is also taken properly. But I found that the DNS entries are not entered in /etc/resolv.conf. After I entered the institution DNS IP addresses in /etc/resolv.conf manually it is working properly.
Last edited by rsamurti (2017-04-18 16:37:58)