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I see a lot of drama and film.That is one of my personal interests.i.e.these are always looking for them and watch theme:
1-game of thrones
4-stranger things
one of the problems that I have always suffered is that How do I find a brief guide to my favorite series.(for example: What is the date of next GOT?!).Methods that usually "the first spark" in the minds of people after these options are:
1-go to Wikipedia and read about their.
2-search in Google.
3-and ...
i think about this problem and What was good exist api that Comprehensive information about the series and the movies was given to me?(like forecast api)
I did a little search and find it."tvmaze api".I get to work and write an application with python and call it: "tvdoon".
For your comfort i create a PKGBUILD and upload it in ARU.
if you dont like AUR or Even if you do not have Arch linux, Do not get angry!i create a package in PIP Repo and upload it:
just be aware that install it pip3.
sudo pip3 install tvdoon
if you like this program, see any bug or suggestion for improvment, please send me your feedback in github page:
best regards, LinArcX.
-- mod edit: converted img to url. See guidelines on image sizes. Trilby --
Last edited by Trilby (2017-04-21 11:41:48)
Hi, Just installed it from the AUR, working perfectly, easy to use and really useful, Thanks!
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
Thanks @chickenPie4tea.
I Forgot To List Features Of TvDoon.Below Are Some Of Them:
You Can Search TvShow According to Their Name.
Show TvShow Name,Genres, Rating, Status, Premiered, Next Episode and so many Cool Features.
You Can Add TvShows To Favourite List.
See List Of Actors And Crews.
There Is SubMenu For Show Detail Of Seasons In Seasons/Episodes part.
And Finally see The Schedule Box.(Enter a desired Time and see Episode List.)
Last edited by stackoverflow (2018-03-31 12:00:13)
That's a very handy program. save a lot of googling. The favourites list is great. Something I did not know i was missing.
What does the name mean "tvdoon"?
Last edited by glyons (2017-04-22 00:09:52)
Hi @glyons. thanks a lot. tvdoon is consisto from two part: tv + doon. doon simultaneously means Wise or a placeholder.