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Hi. I'm trying to see this movie on page 23 of the document. … media9.pdf
Im using PDF viewer okular and it doesn't work. I wonder if I need to install some missing plugin. I have no idea what to do, I just get a blank square.
Before you ask me. I installed texlive-latexextra which contains the Vplayer viewer on my machine: /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/media9/players/VPlayer.swf exists.
Last edited by wilmerhenao (2017-05-07 05:05:21)
Okular uses phonon to play videos.
After installing phonon-qt5-vlc it plays fine for me.
I am curious about the VPlayer.swf. Is the PDF made with this player thing so that embedded video files are (always) are played with it? (which makes it requires a PDF reader that can run swf)
By the way the poppler package has a utility called pdfdetach, which may at least allow you to extract the video and play it "externally":
$ pdfdetach -list /sdcard/Download/media9.pdf
18 embedded files
1: VPlayer.swf
2: random.mp4
3: cube.mp4
4: SlideShow.swf
5: config.xml
6: files/cubeposter.png
7: StrobeMediaPlayback.swf
8: APlayer.swf
9: bird.mp3
10: VPlayer9.swf
11: APlayer9.swf
12: epix.prc
13: asylabels.js
14: 3Dspintool.js
15: 3Dmenu.js
16: dice.u3d
17: malte.u3d
18: malte.js
P.S. Installing the latex package won't help. The swf there is only for you to make such PDF. As I said, if the PDF is made so that it includes a swf video player that will always be used to play the embedded videos, it requires the PDF viewer that can (side-load a plugin, which would be a flash/shockwave player I suppose, to) run the swf.
Last edited by tom.ty89 (2017-05-05 20:26:09)
Thanks Scorpick. That solves my issue.
Tom. I'm creating an animation to be embedded in a poster for a scientific presentation. So I actually want to embed videos in pdf files, not the other way around. But this detach is good to know.
Tom. I'm creating an animation to be embedded in a poster for a scientific presentation.
Just make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot. Fancy things have a tendency to not work during the actual presentation.
Just make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot. Fancy things have a tendency to not work during the actual presentation.
I have no comment on including a video (I suppose that's the form the animation in?) in a PDF. I just wonder if you really need to include the VPlayer thing (Well, I am allergic to Shockwave/Flash...)