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Then I start KDE my monitor LCD inproperly, in half size of screen, show 1024x768 resoliution.
If I try change resoliution from KDE, then it exit from Deskop Environment and write somethings errors.
How make, that KDE starts with not 1024x768 resoliution?
Is multiple resolutions set up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? If so, the KDE tool should be able to change resolution at startup - but there's another way too: the resolution mentioned first will be used. Look here, from my xorg.conf:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen 1"
Device "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX"
Monitor "HP Pavilion v90"
DefaultDepth 24
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
ViewPort 0 0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
ViewPort 0 0
DefaultDepth is 24, and 1280x1024 is listed first in 24bit mode, so 24bit 1280x1024 will be used by default, but it will be possible to switch to 16bit mode and to 1024x768 or 800x600 pixels.
My monitor not suport 24 bit depth with 1024x768 resoliution.
Thanks, I will try.
In "/etc/x11" "xorg.conf" file not is.
Now then I chose archlinux from lilo boot, automatily start windows, were possible chose whith Deskop Environment run and with whith user. And if in KDE change resoliution from 1024x768 to 800x600 it restarts Deskop Environment to window with whith user login.
In "/etc/x11" "xorg.conf" file not is.
It means you are using the default setting of xorg and maybe that dont fit your computer,so you should go to configure xorg using hwd(it was broken and i dont know if it is fixed now) or xorgconfig.
you can go to for more details.
It not only KDE starts with 1024x768 rezoliution, but, and fluxbox, and openbox start with 1024x768 rezoliution.
How make that fluxbox for example starts with 1024x768 rezoliution with 16 bit depth or less than 1024x768 resoliution, for example 800x600?
It not only KDE starts with 1024x768 rezoliution, but, and fluxbox, and openbox start with 1024x768 rezoliution.
How make that fluxbox for example starts with 1024x768 rezoliution with 16 bit depth or less than 1024x768 resoliution, for example 800x600?
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen 1"
Device "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX"
Monitor "HP Pavilion v90"
DefaultDepth 16
Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "800x600" "1024x768"
ViewPort 0 0
Change xorg.conf like I explained earlier - find the screen section first. The code above is how I would modify it - since 800x600 is written first, it will start at 800x600 but 1024x768 will be available. Defaultdepth is 16bit (and 24bit is not available). But don't copy&paste the entire piece of code, since your device and monitor probably have another name
I make that starts with 800x600 rezoliution KDE.
But little too big horizontal rezoliution, incorect show (little cut from left or right, about three pixels, in monitor menu not possible good configure position, or left screen cut or right), not show all Deskop.
How make, that show all Deskop?
It is usually possible from the monitor (I've never seen a monitor that can't adjust position/size), but if it's like that you can try using "xvidtune" to change position/size of the displayed image.
My monitor, only can ajust position. It on liquefy crystals, flat and tight (COMPAQ TFT450).
Thanks, then I write "xvidtune", computer write:
Vendor: , Model:
Num hsync: 1, Num vsync: 1
hsync range 0: 28.00 - 96.00
vsync range 0: 50.00 - 75.00
Video are not settable on this chip