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#1 2017-05-13 14:01:36

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

[Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

Hi there,

I know this issue has been posted a few times, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for me. I get the error each time I boot the laptop. It only happens on enp2s0. I tried to run systemctl disable  dhcpd@enp2s0.service but it says directory not found. I think this has something to do with dhcpd and Network Manager but I'm not sure what.

Last edited by JohnnyHannastix (2017-05-13 17:56:40)


#2 2017-05-13 14:15:02

From: Sweden
Registered: 2015-06-06
Posts: 861

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

For me i got rid of the watchdog message after installing intel-ucode and edited /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf by the instructions on Microcode page on wiki

I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man.
I use it to look at funny pictures of cats and to argue with strangers.


#3 2017-05-13 15:03:30

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

Please post the exact command you used to try and disable the service and the output generated plus the output of the following

$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled

@dockland did you post to the wrong thread?


#4 2017-05-13 15:08:50

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,672

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

You may have enabled dhcpcd.service which tries every interface - so attempting to disable dhcpcd@.service wouldn't work as that is not what is running.

To Be A Dev: propose idea; invite feedback; mock, ridicule, and ostracize any critical feedback; but be warm and kind to those who kiss your ring.


#5 2017-05-13 17:02:57

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

loqs wrote:

Please post the exact command you used to try and disable the service and the output generated plus the output of the following

$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled

@dockland did you post to the wrong thread?


Please see the beloiw results:

autovt@.service                             enabled 
bluetooth.service                           enabled 
clamd.service                               enabled 
dbus-org.bluez.service                      enabled 
dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service enabled 
dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service  enabled 
dhcpcd@.service                             enabled 
display-manager.service                     enabled 
gdm.service                                 enabled 
getty@.service                              enabled 
NetworkManager-dispatcher.service           enabled 
NetworkManager.service                      enabled 
systemd-timesyncd.service                   enabled 
ufw.service                                 enabled                            enabled 

It shows that dhcpd and Network Manager are running. Should I dsiable one?


#6 2017-05-13 17:04:10

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

Trilby wrote:

You may have enabled dhcpcd.service which tries every interface - so attempting to disable dhcpcd@.service wouldn't work as that is not what is running.

Doing the comand the Logs requested showed that dhcpd and nwtwork manager are both running. Should I disable one?


#7 2017-05-13 17:27:46

From: Norfolk, UK
Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 5,776

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0


Wiki wrote:

There are many solutions to choose from, but remember that all of them are mutually exclusive; you should not run two daemons simultaneously.

Last edited by Slithery (2017-05-13 17:28:06)

No, it didn't "fix" anything. It just shifted the brokeness one space to the right. - jasonwryan
Closing -- for deletion; Banning -- for muppetry. - jasonwryan

aur - dotfiles


#8 2017-05-13 17:33:52

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

slithery wrote:


Wiki wrote:

There are many solutions to choose from, but remember that all of them are mutually exclusive; you should not run two daemons simultaneously.

Ok. So how do I disable dhcpd? I tried the disabling it with systemctl, but I git this error: Failed to stop dhcpd.service: Unit dhcpd.service not loaded.


#9 2017-05-13 17:37:25

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

What is the output of

$ systemctl status dhcpcd*@*.service

Please use code tags for command output


#10 2017-05-13 17:40:08

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

loqs wrote:

What is the output of

$ systemctl status dhcpcd*@*.service

Please use code tags for command output

Hi, this is the results of the command:

● dhcpcd@enp2s0.service - dhcpcd on enp2s0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2017-05-13 12:37:48 EDT; 1h 0min ago
  Process: 405 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dhcpcd -q -w %I (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

May 13 12:37:18 Hyperion systemd[1]: Starting dhcpcd on enp2s0...
May 13 12:37:18 Hyperion dhcpcd[405]: enp2s0: waiting for carrier
May 13 12:37:19 Hyperion dhcpcd[405]: wlp3s0: new hardware address: e2:f8:a4:47:0c:34
May 13 12:37:23 Hyperion dhcpcd[405]: wlp3s0: new hardware address: ac:2b:6e:ac:49:e1
May 13 12:37:48 Hyperion systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp2s0.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1
May 13 12:37:48 Hyperion systemd[1]: Failed to start dhcpcd on enp2s0.
May 13 12:37:48 Hyperion systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp2s0.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 13 12:37:48 Hyperion systemd[1]: dhcpcd@enp2s0.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


#11 2017-05-13 17:41:17

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,695

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

So the service you want to disable is dhcpcd@enp2s0.service not dhcpcd.service
dhcpcd.service not dhcpd.service

Last edited by loqs (2017-05-13 17:43:02)


#12 2017-05-13 17:56:04

Registered: 2016-03-01
Posts: 6

Re: [Solved] [*** ] A start job is running for dhcpcd on enp2s0

loqs wrote:

So the service you want to disable is dhcpcd@enp2s0.service not dhcpcd.service
dhcpcd.service not dhcpd.service

That did it. Thank you for the help.


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