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When I type
telnet (foo)
Arch tell me
-bash: telnet: command not found
is there some fancy new technology that has replaced ye olde telnet session or what?
You might want to install telnet.
$ pacman -Qo `which telnet`
/usr/bin/telnet is owned by netkit-telnet 0.17-6
Searching for these things in pacman is easy:
$ pacman -Ss telnet
current/netkit-telnet 0.17-6
A telnet client (and server)
extra/putty 0.58-1
A terminal integrated SSH/Telnet client known from Windows.
Depends what you want to use telnet for.
There is a telnet server/client package available: netkit-telnet
But, if you're wanting to remotely login to your machine you should be using ssh: OpenSSH
edit: seems I was beaten to it
What are you kids calling telnet sessions these days?
Fancy (not-so-)new technology = SSH
$ pacman -Qo `which telnet` /usr/bin/telnet is owned by netkit-telnet 0.17-6
Clever use of <code>which telnet</code> there...I need to be more command-line clever.
yeah, but backticks are so old-school... they're sh and not terribly nestable. Bash syntax is cooler:
dusty:~ $ pacman -Qo $(which telnet)
/usr/bin/telnet is owned by netkit-telnet 0.17-6
When I type
telnet (foo)
Arch tell me
-bash: telnet: command not found
is there some fancy new technology that has replaced ye olde telnet session or what?
I prefer connecting via SSH, if the server side is setup for it.
pacman -Sy openssh
ssh username@hostname
jmags wrote:What are you kids calling telnet sessions these days?
Fancy (not-so-)new technology = SSH
Totally beat me to it 8)
zsh is cooler. you can get a full path without using which, just =command.
pacman -Qo =telnet
yeah, but backticks are so old-school... they're sh and not terribly nestable. Bash syntax is cooler:
dusty:~ $ pacman -Qo $(which telnet) /usr/bin/telnet is owned by netkit-telnet 0.17-6
Correct, but remember that you will probably have less problems on other Unix systems if you try to avoid bash/GNU-specific features when there is no real need for it (e.g. using $() without nesting them). Good habit IMHO. Especially for shell scripts if you publish them.