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I'm having a really weird problem with a pkgbuil I'm making. First, here it is:
# Maintainer: Javier "Phrodo_00" Aravena <phrodo>
pkgdesc="Clean looking gtk theme engine based on the cairo-enabled CVS clearlooks engine code."
depends=('gtk2' 'gtk-engines')
md5sums=('bc0b2ad5e8615ca61dd31994365c4553' '36d62721b6740f8b3b7d24ab82cc97f9'
'c237a71acf1b8a382995cb6a4d45099e' '6b9ea4fa673c17e25c266ba70b9b4cef'
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
cp -r $startdir/src/Rezlooks-Gilouche $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
cp -r $startdir/src/Rezlooks-graphite $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
cp -r $startdir/src/Rezlooks-candy $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
cp -r $startdir/src/Rezlooks-pastelgreen $startdir/pkg/usr/share/themes
(I commented out the install because it's useless to make the thing work (it just gives a few pointers with echo)).
Well, the thing is that the file '40990-Rezlooks-pastelgreen.tar.gz' fails when checking the md5sum, but when I do md5sum /var/cache/pacman/src/40990-Rezlooks-pastelgreen.tar.gz I get
6b9ea4fa673c17e25c266ba70b9b4cef /var/cache/pacman/src/40990-Rezlooks-pastelgreen.tar.gz
wich is the same that appears in the pkgbuild, but still makepkg says
==> Validating source files with MD5sums
39179-rezlooks-0.5.tar.gz ... Passed
Rezlooks-Gilouche.tar.gz ... Passed
Rezlooks-graphite.tar.gz ... Passed
40990-Rezlooks-pastelgreen.tar.gz ... FAILED
40987-Rezlooks-candy.tar.gz ... Passed
==> ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!
I already double-checked that I'm not using an old file, so what could be the problem??[/code]
fixed, makepkg was trying to build with the makepkg in /var/abs/local/rezlooks instead of the one in /var/abs/local/rezlooks 0.6 which is the one I were working with. Dunno why...