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Alright, after switching to OB3 I still have the full gnome install, but I was thinking that lately. I don't really need the full install, just a minimal one. One enough to run Gnome and GTK applications. I also still want to be able to run the gnome-system-monitor and a few more Gnome Desktop tools without the full gnome installation. So my question is, what's the minimal installation? Installing gnome, then just removing packages I don't use?
Dont know this one EXACTLY, but my smallest working(!) gnome install on arch i got, was with
pacman -Sy gnome
but u could of course first try a
pacman -Sy gnome-desktop
Gnome-desktop is just a small (meta?-)package, whereas gnome is a group with preselected (but very few, like epiphany) apps.
best regards,
If you don't plan on actually using gnome any more, I'd fully remove it and then only install the gnome programs you'd like to use. When you install them, they'll pull in all the dependencies they require. That way you can have the programs you'd like to use, without anything you don't.
remove your current gnome
then install new w/ pacman -Sy gnome gnome-extra choose N to the question of whether or not to install the whole content then you can pick and choose what gnome stuff you'd like to keep
I'd go with barebones, just remove it, and then install whatever comes as deps.
I'd go with barebones, just remove it, and then install whatever comes as deps.
I tried:
pacman -R gnome gnome-extras
but I get alot of depencies issues. So instead I just removed anything I could without breaking dependicies, which wasn't very many files FYI .
Well then try
pacman -Rc gnome
that is the reverse (removes gnome and all that depends on gnome)
Well then try
pacman -Rc gnome
that is the reverse (removes gnome and all that depends on gnome)
I prefer "pacman -Rcs gnome" as that will remove unneeded dependencies as well