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Hey guys and girls,
I am an absoulute arch linux beginner. When I tried to load the Installer (DVD or USBstick doesn't matter, I have also downloaded the ISO file twice, just in case) there was always the same problem.
The Terminal wont appear, I could just read:
ACPI error: [DSSP] Namespace lookup faliure, AE_NOT_FOUND (lots of numers and stuff)
[4.(numbers)] ACPI error: Method/parse execution failed [sb\_PCI0.SAT0.SPT4._GTF] (Node fff(numbers)), AE_NOT_FOUND (20170119/psparse-543)
(and then some long lines of numbers and every line also has "nuveau" in it)
(At the bottom of the screen:)
client 08 [HOST_CPU_NB] reason 0d [REGION_VIOLATION] on channel -1 [(numbers, the bracket is not closed at the end)
Do you know what is wrong with my system? Windows or LinuxMint will run perfectly fine on my PC, but with Arch there is this unfortunate problem.
(I do not have an awful lot of experience with Linux, nor am I a native english speaker, so please be patient with me. I am a nice guy. )
Last edited by FlatUniverse (2017-07-18 18:29:04)
Check the integrity of the .iso file to make sure it's not corrupted. You can find the checksums from
If nouveau module is causing your issue, you can try blacklisting it on startup, by adding "modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" to kernel boot parameters.
Blacklisting noveau worked.
THX for help