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Pages: 1
Hey guys.
So, I'm installing Arch on my computer and I just managed to run the genfstab command and then went to check the output and unless I'm missing something it is definitely wrong, because it is showing only the /dev/sda10 partition (Which is the root partition of arch, sda1..9 are partitions for windows and another linux distro).
So, my doubt is, is this output really wrong? Or is it supposed to be like this? And if it is not correct, should I manually add sda11 (Which is the home partition for arch)? What about the boot partition and the partitions for the other systems? Should they be added as well?
Thanks in advance (:
Last edited by bootzin (2017-07-27 21:23:12)
It isn't foolproof; the recommendation in the wiki is to verify the result and adapt/correct as required.
I know that.
My doubt was regarding whether its output was really wrong, and if I should type in every filesystem on my computer or only those arch-related.
You only include those that you want mounted.
Pages: 1