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#1 2017-08-21 08:31:29

Registered: 2013-10-14
Posts: 13

[Solved] Gnome won't let me type tildes

I seem to have this weird issue where I can't type tildes anywhere while in gnome. sad

I installed screenkey to make sure the tilde key presses were getting through and they are. It's just they never make it into a terminal or a text editor or whatever. If i switch to a tty it works fine, also copying and pasting from somewhere else works fine. When I press it in a terminal the cursor blinks but nothing gets entered. Keyboard layout appears to still be a standard us.

Any ideas?

Last edited by UncleSlug (2017-10-03 07:04:28)


#2 2017-08-23 13:03:37

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,768

Re: [Solved] Gnome won't let me type tildes

Gnome on X11 or on wayland? In the latter case: which keyboard driver (basically evdev or libinput)?
Any input tools ( … ds_in_Xorg )?
Do all other keys work as expected?

And be sure about the used locale settign (iirc gnome overrides it with the stuff in its own settings) - the tilde can be a dead key (to write "ñ" etc)


#3 2017-09-30 06:41:31

Registered: 2013-10-14
Posts: 13

Re: [Solved] Gnome won't let me type tildes

Sorry about being super slow I've been busy and this kept slipping my mind :(

Gnome is running on X11 inside of virtualbox.

I seem to be using libinput:

# libinput list-devices
Device:           Power Button
Kernel:           /dev/input/event4
Group:            1
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     keyboard 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      n/a
Nat.scrolling:    n/a
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           Sleep Button
Kernel:           /dev/input/event5
Group:            2
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     keyboard 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      n/a
Nat.scrolling:    n/a
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           Video Bus
Kernel:           /dev/input/event3
Group:            3
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     keyboard 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      n/a
Nat.scrolling:    n/a
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           VirtualBox mouse integration
Kernel:           /dev/input/event2
Group:            4
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     pointer 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      disabled
Nat.scrolling:    disabled
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration:      identity matrix
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           VirtualBox USB Tablet
Kernel:           /dev/input/event1
Group:            5
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     pointer 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      disabled
Nat.scrolling:    disabled
Middle emulation: disabled
Calibration:      identity matrix
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
Kernel:           /dev/input/event0
Group:            6
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     keyboard 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      n/a
Nat.scrolling:    n/a
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   none
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   n/a
Rotation:         n/a

Device:           ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse
Kernel:           /dev/input/event7
Group:            7
Seat:             seat0, default
Capabilities:     pointer 
Tap-to-click:     n/a
Tap-and-drag:     n/a
Tap drag lock:    n/a
Left-handed:      disabled
Nat.scrolling:    disabled
Middle emulation: disabled
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   button
Click methods:    none
Disable-w-typing: n/a
Accel profiles:   flat *adaptive
Rotation:         n/a

Seems to happen for both LANG=en_NZ.UTF-8 and en_US.UTF-8.

In Gnome I have language set to English (New Zealand), Formats New Zealand, input sources English (US).

Only input tool I could find was libibus which seems to be part of Gnome.


#4 2017-09-30 07:13:05

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 52,768

Re: [Solved] Gnome won't let me type tildes

please provide your xorg log, the output of "setxkbmap -print -query" and check the gnome keyboard settings for dead keys.
Also ensure it is not bound as shortcut to some action (quake-like terminal)


#5 2017-10-03 07:03:35

Registered: 2013-10-14
Posts: 13

Re: [Solved] Gnome won't let me type tildes

I think I may have found the culprit. I have the drop down terminal gnome extension and it's default key is a backtick (the same key as tilde). Changing it to F12 magically lets tildes work. Seems kinda strange since it used to work fine.

Looks like I have this issue: … issues/190

I'll just have to choose between using the numpad and being able to use the backtick key for my terminal. Thanks for the help smile.


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