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I'm attempting to install arch linux on a seperate drive (multi boot with windows) but my iso (archlinux-2017.09.01-x86_64.iso) is failing to boot with the message:
Mounting '/dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201709' to '/run/archiso/bootmnt'
Mounting /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201709 mounted successfully.
Mounting /run/archiso/cowspace (tmpfs) filesystem, size=256M...
losetup: /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/x86_64/airootfs.sfs: failed to set up loop device: No such file or directory
Mounting '' to '/run/archiso/sfs/airootfs'
Waiting 30 seconds for device ...
When I ls /run/archiso/bootmnt somehow the system mounted the windows partition, when i unmount it and mount the correct drive I get the same message 'No such file or directory' even though the file is there
Help please
I created the usb stick with this guide: … tion_media and this command:
# dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync
Last edited by (2017-10-01 07:50:24)
Hi Zeitgeit!
As you seem to be originated from Austria, we could follow in our common language,but it is a good practice, anyway, to stay with english.
Well, sorry to say that, but no enough input...
What computersystem? and so on and so forth.
You normally do not mount anything with the "ls" command, even less a windows partition?
Could you be a little more, let's say, precise?
Greetings, Neighbor :-)
I used
to show the contents of the mounted partitions - which turned out to be the windows partition, not the USB stick with linux on it (which it should be). And mounted it with
. This seems to be the problem, it can't mount airootfs.sfs because somehow it's mounting the wrong partition even though it's using the right label.
My mainboard is an ASRock Z97. I have two SSDS, one with Windows installed and a new one where I want to install Arch. Also - Secureboot and Fastboot are disabled.
The weird thing is I already had Arch installed on this system (different SSD, which I replaced) and I can't remember having problems back then). Maybe this is some kind of bug and will be resolved with next months image?
Last edited by (2017-09-29 10:35:20)
I'd try to check md5 sum of your .iso, rewrite the USB drive or try another USB flash tool to make sure it is not system-related
Also, could you post output of
fdisk -l
Last edited by lo1 (2017-09-29 14:11:11)
Dear Zeitgeist!
I took a little time for you and made a setup of a little virtualbox machine. You will understand that the respect to my neighbor country is not as strong as to try it on real hardware ;-)
When an Arch install medium boots correctly, you should get a screen similar to this one:
(Oh, img Tag...)
Anyway... … ist_00.png
Please choose the selected menu, like … ist_01.png
and post us the result.
How will you do that without a virtual machine? maybe with a real foto?
No klue... :-)
Schönes Wochenende!
Edit: Typo and
please do not worry, because it does not matter at all but no Maybe As I said, not important!
Edit II:
And be careful!
Because x33a, the forum moderator, seems to be quite severe with the size (and probably weight also) of pictures! And he is right with that! No, just a "half-joke!"
Edit III:
But Allan, is still fully in right, so what to?
Kind of last philosophical question I throw around, before stopping for this week-end (at least, for tonight)
Thank you for reading!
Last edited by eddilein (2017-09-29 18:26:03)
I'd try to check md5 sum of your .iso, rewrite the USB drive or try another USB flash tool to make sure it is not system-related
Also, could you post output offdisk -l
the md5 sum is correct, i've also tried to use RUFUS on windows with no avail. fdisk is not available in the fallback shell!
@Eddilein that screen reports 4 drive swith several partitions, I'd have to make a screenshot of all of them, what information are you looking for? At the moment I'm waiting for the new arch image that's due tomorrow - maybe thats going to fix my problem.
Last edited by (2017-09-30 08:43:18)
the md5 sum is correct, i've also tried to use RUFUS on windows with no avail. fdisk is not available in the fallback shell!
Figures, however the usb drive seems to be mounted correctly (output or your first topic).
Read this. Surely it has to do with your live usb.
If you are comfortable with the fallback prompt, carefully check the file you can list (ls).
I know this may sound dumb at this point, but if the previous doesn't work try also booting in legacy mode and burning another USB drive.
EDIT The ARCH 2017/09 iso is ok, i used that to do a fresh install days ago
Last edited by lo1 (2017-09-30 11:03:15)
It seems to mount correctly, but as I said when I check the file contents it somehow lists the contents of my Windows Drive / Partition. If I remount it correctly and I list the files everything's there as is supposed to. Still it's not able to find the file when I run 'losetup' manually even though it's there. I've already used another USB stick - same result.
I could try booting in legacy mode - it's probably still possible to install an UEFI bootloader right?
Regarding the iso: I'd think that only because it's working with your system doesn't mean it works everywhere it should - but I'll try tomorrow and keep you guys posted
It seems to mount correctly, but as I said when I check the file contents it somehow lists the contents of my Windows Drive / Partition. If I remount it correctly and I list the files everything's there as is supposed to. Still it's not able to find the file when I run 'losetup' manually even though it's there. I've already used another USB stick - same result.
I could try booting in legacy mode - it's probably still possible to install an UEFI bootloader right?
Regarding the iso: I'd think that only because it's working with your system doesn't mean it works everywhere it should - but I'll try tomorrow and keep you guys posted
Really weird. Try legacy mode only to check you're able to boot, but i wouldn't suggest installing a uefi bootloader. Right about the iso, but i meant that the iso is not faulty or damaged server-side, though it may be good to wait for tomorrow.
Works with the new ISO