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I have a #define directive in .Xresources file for specifying font size, but the font size doesn't get applied at boot. I run X with .xinitrc which loads .Xresources. .xinitrc is just a copy of xinit/xinitrc with a line or two appended for my DE (XFCE), but if you wish see it in full.
$ cat .Xresources
#define FN_SZ 14
URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=FN_SZ
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=FN_SZ:style=bold
This is what I get at boot:
$ xrdb -query
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=FN_SZ:style=bold
URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=FN_SZ
After running "xrdb -merge .Xresources" manually:
$ xrdb -query
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=14:style=bold
URxvt.font: xft:Consolas:pixelsize=14
Looks like preprocessing is not being done while X is starting. Any ideas?
Last edited by adesh (2017-10-09 12:17:57)
I thought why not run the resources file through cpp myself. I added below two lines just before DE invocation:
cpp -P $HOME/.Xresources > /tmp/xres
xrdb -merge /tmp/xres
But result still is the same. I confirmed that the preprocessor properly substituted the macro value in the generated file.
Capturing the output of "xrdb-query" before my commands revealed that xrdb is doing the job properly. Now, it looks like it is XFCE that is messing with the resources database.
Last edited by adesh (2017-10-09 10:19:29)
Solution: … wer-304558
XFCE has its own xinitrc where xrdb is called with "-nocpp" option.