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Hello everyone! My name is Damian and I come from Poland. I chosed Arch Linux in order to learn more about Linux filesystem and learn terminal commands deeply. It's funny for me to solve problems I usually encounter using this distribution.
Damian11131, Welcome. You didn't say if you are a new Arch user. Either way, enjoy your Arch machine.
I'd like to say 'Hi' to everyone ! Today, i join this community and install my first Arch Linux. The core of Arch Linux system is KISS: Keep it stupid and simple. I'd like it so much! Bruce Lee has been said : "You must be shapeless,formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend." Arch linux like the water :-)
Hello everyone!
I've been using Windows since 2006.
I switched to MacOS in 2011, just started pentesting the other day 2016, so my first linux distro was Kali which I installed on a Virtualbox on the Mac.
I like the full control linux has over other OS and I am willing to learn more.
Installed Arch ISO on usb on a lightweight Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, last week.
*Am still setting up the usb wifi driver.
The learning curve is steep, but am loving it.
Hi guys.
I've been using Arch for about 2 years now, and I've been using other linux distros for about 6 years. No matter how much time I spend learning more about each system, I still will always feel like a novice Hopefully my time here will help!!
I'm pretty much completely new to Linux/GNU (except for using Linux Mint for about a month, and Ubuntu a little bit ), but I heard this was the best, so I came here!
'For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.' -Ephesians 2:8-9
Hello, new members, and welcome to the forum.
Milo.Shaw, I read excitement in your message. Good to hear. I like your Bruce Lee quote.
fBownz, Best wishes on the usb wifi driver. Not something I can help out on. Yes, the learning curve is steep, and worth it. Also, it's part of the fun.
Abbott, me, too. Three years arch, six plus years linux. With Arch, I still feel like a newbie.
Beloved, I agree that Arch is the best. In my opinion, any linux is better than the alternatives. Kudos for your signature lines, haven't explored your links yet.
To all of you: I hope you continue to enjoy and learn something from your Arch experience.
Arch is the best. That's just my opinion.
Have used Arch before as well and now turned back to arch lnux. Hope my journey will be good here.
I guess it's time to say hello, using Arch for a while now, works quite well for me, problem "forced" me to register and I'm glad it did, should have done it earlier, but better late than never I guess .
pacman --init
pacman --populate archlinux
Have try to install Ubunu on Acer One for about 5 days now.
That didn't work out all the way.
What did I learn?
- Using the right word for searches.
Hopefully here I will learn.
And yes...
Need guidelines for >>
Acer One S1003-12MW >>
Model Name: S1003 Part Number: NT.LCQEM.003>>
As to beers from Britanny, I haven't had the pleasure of tasting Lancelot's Duchess Anne Triple, Uh-oh, I just did a search on that one, it's brewed in France? Don't know if it's available within driving distance from here.
Maybe I can ship you a sixer? That's fermented stuff so Idk
Hello! I've been putting off introducing myself for some time. I've been using Arch for about two months and I love it! My main reason for switching was the fact that every part of my daily driver was chosen by me, and that is something I don't see often. The past few months have been smooth sailing (aside from a few breakages caused by my not being able to choose a DE).
Hi All, Grad to join the forum. I really enjoy arch's high quality wiki page with accurate and updated articles. I also appreciate the cutting edge experience that arch brings.
hello everyone, I'm a newbie from Malaysia. I'm using arch linux with i3 window manager, getting used to the tiling window manager shortcut keys as well as switching between workspaces and running application using window-key + D. Interesting.
Maybe I can ship you a sixer? That's fermented stuff so Idk
Man, I wish! No doubt it would crazy expensive to ship, and I'd prob'ly receive 6 empty bottles. If you move to Texas, we can have beer swaps whenever we like.
Hi Jake, dtvcnt, and vincetham. Welcome aboard. It sounds like all of you - "y'all" in Texanese - are enjoying the ride with Arch.
Hi, New here but using arch for some months (newbie with him) From france but live in spain
See you on the forum!
late in the party
Namaste Archlanders, This is Anand From India. I am new to Arch and looking to learn Linux; in the easy way .
--- Anand
Welcome to the three new members in the Hello thread. Hope you have some fun learning and using Arch Linux.
Hello ArchLinux Forums. I am an IT Security student. I recently downloaded BlackArch Linux to familiarize myself with the OS and the toolset that comes with it. I am also currently using Kali Linux and Cyborg Hawk Linux. I am having some issues with BlackArch, and I hope that I can find the answers here.
With any luck, maybe I will be able to help someone also, but don't hold your breath! LOL!
Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forums jaxmayhem
You are welcome to read existing threads, however BlackArch as a distribution has no affiliation with Arch Linux itself and thus any support for it will be declined: … .2Aonly.2A
We would be more suited to help you if you installed Arch Linux proper and then added the tools you need from the official repos and/or the AUR.
Thanks for understanding.
Hello there! I have been using arch at work for several months now and have finally installed it at home. Was a long time linux-mint user, but have switched to i3-wm two years ago which has gotten me interested in a more hardcore linux environment.
hello everyone, I started to use Arch+xfce desktop around two years ago. Starting to use FreeBSD in 2003 and moved to Fedora core->Ubuntu-> Ubuntu-Studio->Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Xbuntu->Mint OS -> Debian+xfce -> Manjaro ->Arch LInux installer -> Arch Linux-> FreeBSD + xfce4 and backed to Arch Linux just few days ago. xfce with paper theme and incons, I currently I am using. I am happy to know this forum.
Last edited by goody3 (2017-10-16 04:48:27)
Hello there !
I'm French and I use Linux distro for more than 10 years now.
I installed Arch on my previous NAS (4 years ago) just for fun :-)
But I use Gentoo, Debian or Fedora on my laptop... maybe one day, if I feel brave enough to reinstall everything, I will migrate on Arch too :-D
I'm not a hardcore user, but I like the CLI :-)