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Well, sometimes i want to kill my xserver... Before i used KDM and when i killed the xserver i was automatically sent back to the kdm login (xserver restarts and kdm is back...)
Now i have switched to the slim login manager, and when i kill the xserver now, i land on the vt and have to restart slim manually...
I start SLiM via the daemons array in /etc/rc.conf and have tried the daemon option in /etc/slim.conf, but this did not work...
So, ist there any solution out there?
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There's actually a few issues with the slim startup script I have yet to fix (they're no huge deal).
You can, however, use
x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim >& /dev/null
in /etc/inittab
When my laptop is back, I will fix this. Can you please file a bug report so I remember to do this?
thx for your help... i will use inittab for this until its fixed, no problemo
i have filed a bug report, hope i did it right, this was my first experience with flyspray
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod