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#1 2017-10-17 14:45:02

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 154

[SOLVED] Can't get pacman keys working properly.

Hello everyone.

Recently I attempted a new installation of Arch Linux. I immediately encountered a problem on the installation media in that it failed to initialize the pacman keyring and, as a result, I could not pacstrap without turning off signature verification.

Once I installed with pacstrap, I noticed I could install fine on the destination system with the verification turned on, however, pacman-key --refresh-keys would give me errors about not checking signatures due to a missing key.

Fast forward a couple days, when I decided to add a new repository and I noticed that it was not able to import the key. It'd receive the key fine, but I could not locally sign it. So I attempted to recreate my entire keyring setup for pacman.

This wound up being a big mistake, as now I can't get keys imported and working properly on any repository, preventing me from installing ANY package whatsoever and forcing me to set SigLevel to Never.

I've tried all kinds of steps found through the forums, including wiping gnupg directories in /etc and /root and pacman-key --init; pacman-key --populate archlinux, to no avail.

My time and date are set properly, and I ran dirmngr to see what it would do and it didn't seem to report any issue on its end. I have tried pretty much everything I could find on this forum.

Thus, below I present the output of each command as run by root and could really use some help. Please let me know if you need more.

pacman-key --init produces no output

[root@loki ~]# pacman-key --populate archlinux
==> Appending keys from archlinux.gpg...
key A5E9288C4FA415FA:
5 signatures not checked due to missing keys
==> Locally signing trusted keys in keyring...
  -> Locally signing key DDB867B92AA789C165EEFA799B729B06A680C281...
==> ERROR: DDB867B92AA789C165EEFA799B729B06A680C281 could not be locally signed.
  -> Locally signing key 684148BB25B49E986A4944C55184252D824B18E8...
==> ERROR: 684148BB25B49E986A4944C55184252D824B18E8 could not be locally signed.
  -> Locally signing key 91FFE0700E80619CEB73235CA88E23E377514E00...
==> ERROR: 91FFE0700E80619CEB73235CA88E23E377514E00 could not be locally signed.
  -> Locally signing key AB19265E5D7D20687D303246BA1DFB64FFF979E7...
==> ERROR: AB19265E5D7D20687D303246BA1DFB64FFF979E7 could not be locally signed.
  -> Locally signing key 0E8B644079F599DFC1DDC3973348882F6AC6A4C2...
==> ERROR: 0E8B644079F599DFC1DDC3973348882F6AC6A4C2 could not be locally signed.
  -> Locally signing key 44D4A033AC140143927397D47EFD567D4C7EA887...
==> ERROR: 44D4A033AC140143927397D47EFD567D4C7EA887 could not be locally signed.

As a note, it'd be a great help if pacman-key could give me actual details why these keys could not be locally signed. I find error messages simply saying they can't do something to be very unhelpful in troubleshooting.

[root@loki ~]# pacman-key --refresh-keys
gpg: refreshing 94 keys from hkp://
gpg: key 4AC5588F941C2A25: "Antonio Rojas <>" not changed
key FCF3C8CB5CF9C8D4:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key FCF3C8CB5CF9C8D4: "Alexander Rødseth <>" not changed
key 9D893EC4DAAF9129:
104 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 9D893EC4DAAF9129: "Bruno Pagani <>" not changed
key 2E89012331361F01:
3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 2E89012331361F01: "Evgeniy Alekseev <>" not changed
key FC1B547C8D8172C8:
76 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key FC1B547C8D8172C8: "Levente Polyak (anthraxx) <>" not changed
key 42A1DB15EC133BAD:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 42A1DB15EC133BAD: "Angel Velásquez <>" not changed
key 94657AB20F2A092B:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 94657AB20F2A092B: "Andreas Radke <>" not changed
key F3E1D5C5D30DB0AD:
336 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key F3E1D5C5D30DB0AD: "Andrea Scarpino <>" not changed
key B02854ED753E0F1F:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key B02854ED753E0F1F: "Anatol Pomozov <>" not changed
gpg: key 9BDCF497A4BBCC7F: "Ambrevar <>" not changed
key AFF5D95098BC6FF5:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key AFF5D95098BC6FF5: "Maxime Gauduin <>" not changed
key F99FFE0FEAE999BD:
5 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key F99FFE0FEAE999BD: "Allan McRae <>" not changed
key 40F557B731496106:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 40F557B731496106: "Andrzej Giniewicz (giniu) <>" not changed
key A04F9397CDFD6BB0:
5 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A04F9397CDFD6BB0: "Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key 5184252D824B18E8:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 5184252D824B18E8: "Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key 3348882F6AC6A4C2:
8 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 3348882F6AC6A4C2: "Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key 7EFD567D4C7EA887:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 7EFD567D4C7EA887: "Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key A88E23E377514E00:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A88E23E377514E00: "Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key 9B729B06A680C281:
3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 9B729B06A680C281: "Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
key BA1DFB64FFF979E7:
11 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key BA1DFB64FFF979E7: "Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <>" not changed
uid  Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
sig!         7F2D434B9741E8AC 2012-02-05  Pierre Schmitz <>
sig!         F2DBB4931985A992 2012-02-05  Dieter Plaetinck <>
sig!         C8880A6406361833 2012-02-05  Tom Gundersen <>
sig!3        A5E9288C4FA415FA 2011-08-25  [self-signature]
sig!3        A5E9288C4FA415FA 2011-11-16  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-22  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-11-26  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-12-05  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         284FC34C8E4B1A25 2012-02-05  Thomas Bächler <>
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2016-01-24  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
uid  Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
sig!         7F2D434B9741E8AC 2012-02-05  Pierre Schmitz <>
sig!         F2DBB4931985A992 2012-02-05  Dieter Plaetinck <>
sig!         C8880A6406361833 2012-02-05  Tom Gundersen <>
sig!3        A5E9288C4FA415FA 2011-11-03  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-22  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-11-26  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-12-05  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         284FC34C8E4B1A25 2012-02-05  Thomas Bächler <>
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2016-01-24  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
uid  [jpeg image of size 3837]
sig!3        A5E9288C4FA415FA 2017-01-09  [self-signature]
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
uid  [jpeg image of size 3865]
sig!         7F2D434B9741E8AC 2012-02-05  Pierre Schmitz <>
sig!         F2DBB4931985A992 2012-02-05  Dieter Plaetinck <>
sig!         C8880A6406361833 2012-02-05  Tom Gundersen <>
sig!3        A5E9288C4FA415FA 2011-08-25  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-22  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-12-05  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         284FC34C8E4B1A25 2012-02-05  Thomas Bächler <>
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2016-01-24  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
sub  B8520A561151A394
sig!         A5E9288C4FA415FA 2011-08-25  [self-signature]
key A5E9288C4FA415FA:
10 duplicate signatures removed
192 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A5E9288C4FA415FA: "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>" not changed
key DA6426DD215B37AD:
190 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key DA6426DD215B37AD: "Guillaume ALAUX <>" not changed
key F22FB1D78A77AEAB:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key F22FB1D78A77AEAB: "Giancarlo Razzolini (grazzolini) <>" not changed
key B7310AE5F04569AE:
13 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key B7310AE5F04569AE: "Giovanni Scafora <>" not changed
key 786C63F330D7CB92:
323 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: "Felix Yan <>" not changed
uid  Thore Bödecker <>
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2017-05-26  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2017-06-11  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2017-05-31  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-05-25  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2017-05-23  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sub  69A65012074901CB
sig!         EB763B4E9DB887A6 2017-05-22  [self-signature]
uid  Thore Bödecker <> (reordered signatures follow)
sig!3        EB763B4E9DB887A6 2017-05-22  [self-signature]
key EB763B4E9DB887A6:
2 duplicate signatures removed
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
2 signatures reordered
gpg: key EB763B4E9DB887A6: "Thore Bödecker <>" not changed
key 51E8B148A9999C34:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 51E8B148A9999C34: "Evangelos Foutras <>" not changed
key 90CB3D62C13D4796:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 90CB3D62C13D4796: "Jiachen Yang <>" not changed
key 59B3122E2FA915EC:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 59B3122E2FA915EC: "Alexandre Filgueira <>" not changed
key A6234074498E9CEE:
64 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A6234074498E9CEE: "Christian Hesse (Arch Linux Package Signing) <>" not changed
key FCF2CB179205AC90:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key FCF2CB179205AC90: "Eric Belanger <>" not changed
key 5FA5E5544F010D48:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 5FA5E5544F010D48: "Daniel Wallace <>" not changed
key 1EB2638FF56C0C53:
10 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 1EB2638FF56C0C53: "Dave Reisner <>" not changed
key 5ED514A45BD5C938:
2 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 5ED514A45BD5C938: "Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <>" not changed
key E613C09CB4440678:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key E613C09CB4440678: "Daniel Isenmann <>" not changed
key 5C2E46A0F53A76ED:
14 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 5C2E46A0F53A76ED: "Dan McGee <>" not changed
key D53A0445B47A0DAB:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key D53A0445B47A0DAB: "Connor Behan <>" not changed
key BBE43771487328A9:
12 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key BBE43771487328A9: "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <>" not changed
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2008-08-01  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-04-28  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-19  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-11-25  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-11-29  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-11-30  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2015-12-17  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-03-20  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-04-28  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-04  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-03-31  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-03-31  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-19  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-11-25  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-11-29  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-11-30  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2015-12-17  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2010-08-29  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-04  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-04  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-03-31  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-03-31  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2008-08-01  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
uid  Florian Pritz <>
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-11-19  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-11-20  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-11-25  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-11-29  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
sig!         BA1DFB64FFF979E7 2011-11-30  Allan McRae (Arch Linux Master Key) <allan@master-key.
sig!         A88E23E377514E00 2015-12-17  Florian Pritz (Arch Linux Master Key) <florian@master-
sig!         9B729B06A680C281 2017-07-13  Bartłomiej Piotrowski (Arch Linux Master Key) <bpiotr
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-04-07  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-04  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <>
rev!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2011-06-26  [revocation]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2008-12-02  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-04-07  [self-signature]
sig-3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2009-04-07  Florian Pritz <>
sub  89B75E070965A73B
sig!         6D1655C14CE1C13E 2008-08-01  [self-signature]
uid  Florian Pritz <> (reordered signatures follow)
sig!3        6D1655C14CE1C13E 2016-07-25  [self-signature]
key 6D1655C14CE1C13E:
1 duplicate signature removed
70 signatures not checked due to missing keys
1 bad signature
1 signature reordered
gpg: key 6D1655C14CE1C13E: "Florian Pritz <>" not changed
key E62F853100F0D0F0:
89 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key E62F853100F0D0F0: "Gaetan Bisson <>" not changed
key B61DBCE10901C163:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key B61DBCE10901C163: "Balló György <>" not changed
key 8DBD63B82072D77A:
17 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 8DBD63B82072D77A: "Sébastien Luttringer <>" not changed
key 456C7A9B91B842AE:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 456C7A9B91B842AE: "Jakob Gruber <>" not changed
key 81AF739EC0711BF1:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 81AF739EC0711BF1: "Rashif Rahman (Ray) <>" not changed
key 426991CD8406FFF3:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 426991CD8406FFF3: "Ronald van Haren <>" not changed
key 206CBC892D1493D2:
12 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 206CBC892D1493D2: "Rémy Oudompheng <>" not changed
key 7F2D434B9741E8AC:
16 signatures not checked due to missing keys
1 bad signature
gpg: key 7F2D434B9741E8AC: "Pierre Schmitz <>" not changed
key 51DAE9B7C1AE9161:
13 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 51DAE9B7C1AE9161: "NicoHood <>" not changed
key B4360204B250F0D3:
92 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key B4360204B250F0D3: "Fabio Castelli <>" not changed
key 94DD2393DA2EE423:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 94DD2393DA2EE423: "Massimiliano Torromeo (Personal non-work identity) <>" not changed
key A91764759326B440:
3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A91764759326B440: "Lukas Fleischer <>" not changed
key 06096A6AD1CEDDAC:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 06096A6AD1CEDDAC: "Laurent Carlier <>" not changed
key 50FB9B273A9D0BB5:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 50FB9B273A9D0BB5: "Johannes Löthberg <>" not changed
key 396E3E25BAB142C1:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 396E3E25BAB142C1: "Kyle Keen <>" not changed
key A3D9562A589874AB:
2 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A3D9562A589874AB: "Jürgen Hötzel <>" not changed
key 332C9C40F40D2072:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 332C9C40F40D2072: "Jonathan Steel <>" not changed
key 24E4CDB0013C2580:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 24E4CDB0013C2580: "Jaroslav Lichtblau <>" not changed
key 37E0AF1FDA48F373:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 37E0AF1FDA48F373: "Jerome Leclanche <>" not changed
key 976AC6FA3B94FA10:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 976AC6FA3B94FA10: "Jan de Groot <>" not changed
key C06086337C50773E:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key C06086337C50773E: "Jelle van der Waa <>" not changed
key DB323392796CA067:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key DB323392796CA067: "Ike Devolder <>" not changed
key E8F18BA1615137BC:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key E8F18BA1615137BC: "Ionut Biru <>" not changed
key A001876699AD6E84:
6 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key A001876699AD6E84: "Gavin Marciniak-Bisesi <>" not changed
key E6B456CAF15447D5:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key E6B456CAF15447D5: "Federico Cinelli <>" not changed
key E2539214C6C11350:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key E2539214C6C11350: "Federico Cinelli <>" not changed
key 7F2A16726521E06D:
5 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 7F2A16726521E06D: "Christopher Brannon <>" not changed
key 1F0CD4921ECAA030:
86 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 1F0CD4921ECAA030: "Baptiste Jonglez <>" not changed
key 1D1F0DC78F173680:
3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 1D1F0DC78F173680: "Xyne. (key #3) <>" not changed
gpg: key 22E3B67B4A86FDE7: "Dan Printzell <>" not changed
key 097D629E437520BD:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 097D629E437520BD: "Vesa Kaihlavirta <>" not changed
key 39E4F17F295AFBF4:
115 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 39E4F17F295AFBF4: "Thorsten Töpper <>" not changed
key E711306E3C4F88BC:
2 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key E711306E3C4F88BC: "Timothy Redaelli <>" not changed
key 771DF6627EDF681F:
7 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 771DF6627EDF681F: "Tobias Powalowski <>" not changed
key C8880A6406361833:
5 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key C8880A6406361833: "Tom Gundersen <>" not changed
key 284FC34C8E4B1A25:
7 signatures not checked due to missing keys
1 bad signature
gpg: key 284FC34C8E4B1A25: "Thomas Bächler <>" not changed
key F9E712E59AF5F22A:
7 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key F9E712E59AF5F22A: "Daniel Micay <>" not changed
gpg: key C847B6AEB0544167: "Nicola Squartini <>" not changed
key 7FB1A3800C84C0A5:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 7FB1A3800C84C0A5: "Thomas Dziedzic <>" not changed
key 39E4B877E62EB915:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 39E4B877E62EB915: "Sven-Hendrik Haase <>" not changed
key 73B8ED52F1D357C1:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 73B8ED52F1D357C1: "Lukas Jirkovsky <>" not changed
key 65C110C1EA433FC7:
4 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 65C110C1EA433FC7: "Sergej Pupykin <>" not changed
key CF7037A4F27FB7DA:
3 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key CF7037A4F27FB7DA: "speps <>" not changed
key D21461E3DFE2060D:
10 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key D21461E3DFE2060D: "Christian Rebischke (Arch Linux Security Team-Member) <>" not changed
key 5CED81B7C2E5C0D2:
2 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 5CED81B7C2E5C0D2: "Xyne. <>" not changed
key EA6836E1AB441196:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key EA6836E1AB441196: "Stéphane Gaudreault <>" not changed
key 3A726C6170E80477:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 3A726C6170E80477: "Роман Кирилич (Roman Kyrylych) <>" not changed
uid  Peter Richard Lewis <>
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2011-10-29  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-12-02  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-12-03  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-12-04  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-06  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2017-10-13  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2015-02-07  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
rev!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2014-08-31  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2014-09-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         5184252D824B18E8 2014-08-12  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
uid  Peter Richard Lewis <>
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-12-02  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-12-03  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-12-04  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-06  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2017-10-13  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2015-02-07  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
rev!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2014-08-31  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2014-09-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         5184252D824B18E8 2014-08-12  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
uid  Peter Richard Lewis <>
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2011-10-29  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2006-03-01  [self-signature]
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-12-02  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-12-03  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-12-04  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-06  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2017-10-13  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2015-02-07  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
rev!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2014-08-31  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2014-09-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         5184252D824B18E8 2014-08-12  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
uid  Peter Richard Lewis <>
sig!3        6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2011-10-29  [self-signature]
sig!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2011-12-02  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
sig!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2011-12-03  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
sig!         5184252D824B18E8 2011-12-04  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sig!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2011-12-06  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2017-10-13  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         7EFD567D4C7EA887 2015-02-07  Ionut Biru (Arch Linux Master Key) <ionut@master-key.a
rev!         3348882F6AC6A4C2 2014-08-31  Pierre Schmitz (Arch Linux Master Key) <pierre@master-
rev!         A04F9397CDFD6BB0 2014-09-01  Dan McGee (Arch Linux Master Key) <dan@master-key.arch
rev!         5184252D824B18E8 2014-08-12  Thomas Bächler (Arch Linux Master Key) <thomas@master
sub  22AD5874F39D989F
sig!         6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
sig!         6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
sub  3D51F9A1FC776955
sig!         6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
sub  BD95D10CC48DC525
sig!         6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2006-03-01  [self-signature]
sub  AD40D51F3C12E88A (reordered signatures follow)
sig!         6D1A9E70E19DAA50 2008-03-04  [self-signature]
key 6D1A9E70E19DAA50:
2 duplicate signatures removed
134 signatures not checked due to missing keys
1 signature reordered
gpg: key 6D1A9E70E19DAA50: "Peter Richard Lewis <>" not changed
key B9113D1ED21E1A55:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key B9113D1ED21E1A55: "Kaiting Chen <>" not changed
key 5F946DED983D4366:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 5F946DED983D4366: "Justin Davis (juster) <>" not changed
key AF7EF7873CFD4BB6:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key AF7EF7873CFD4BB6: "Jonathan Conder <>" not changed
key 654B877A0864983E:
8 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 654B877A0864983E: "Martin Wimpress ( <>" not changed
key F2DBB4931985A992:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key F2DBB4931985A992: "Dieter Plaetinck <>" not changed
key 761FAD69BA06C6A9:
1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 761FAD69BA06C6A9: "Dicebot <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 93
gpg:              unchanged: 93

I don't know what keys are missing here. I have archlinux-keyring installed and had to have reinstalled it about fifty times trying to fix the issue myself.

Last edited by Yaro (2017-10-17 15:21:34)


#2 2017-10-17 15:14:02

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: [SOLVED] Can't get pacman keys working properly.

pacman-key failed to `gpg --lsign-key` the keys. Since the status messages are usually silenced by pacman-key, you can try running

printf 'y\ny\n'|sudo gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --no-permission-warning --command-fd 0 --batch --lsign-key DDB867B92AA789C165EEFA799B729B06A680C281

for the first key in the keyring/error message. This probably won't work, but at least you'll see a somewhat more useful error message than "==> ERROR: DDB867B92AA789C165EEFA799B729B06A680C281 could not be locally signed."

That being said, this issue just came up on the freende channel #archlinux-newbie last night, you might have the same issue:

2017-10-16 01:21:37 PM  ngc     Ok I found the error. I had a YubiKey plugged in that stores my private GPG Key. After unplugging that everything seems to work.
2017-10-16 01:22:29 PM  ngc     the error message from gpg was:
2017-10-16 01:22:41 PM  ngc     thanks for the help!

Last edited by eschwartz (2017-10-17 15:15:02)

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#3 2017-10-17 15:21:17

Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 154

Re: [SOLVED] Can't get pacman keys working properly.

Interesting. In fact, I use a Yubikey.

Removing it and running pacman-key --populate archlinux worked. I am getting the same issues with --refresh-keys. However, I can get pacman installing and validating packages and even enable that repo okay. Since the "missing keys" thing doesn't seem to be interfering, I'll mark this as solved and thank you for your help, though I may look into regenerating all my keys to clear that WITHOUT my Yubikey being present.

This seems like a bug. A Yubikey being present shouldn't interfere with pacman keyring initialization, should it? At the very least I'd imagine it should have tried to ask for my PIN before failing altogether.


#4 2017-10-17 15:42:10

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: [SOLVED] Can't get pacman keys working properly.

2017-10-16 01:27:06 PM  +fsckd  gpg automatically uses the key from a yubikey?
2017-10-16 01:28:31 PM  MrElendig       depends on configuration
2017-10-16 01:29:35 PM  ngc     at least gets properly listed by gpg --card-status
2017-10-16 01:30:33 PM  ngc     of course there are missing some bits (public key etc.)
2017-10-16 01:31:13 PM  ngc     because that is stored in the keyring (or not in case of arch installation media)
2017-10-16 01:32:52 PM  eschwartz       ngc: interesting error
2017-10-16 01:33:01 PM  ngc     but not out of the box. you have to manually prepare it for gpg (upload the private key to the card etc.)
2017-10-16 01:33:25 PM  eschwartz       gpg shouldn't try using a smartcard if it isn't told to and a regular secret key exists though sad

I quite agree. Maybe you could try asking the gnupg developers.

Last edited by eschwartz (2017-10-17 15:42:42)

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


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