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Is there a way of partially clearing the cache of old packages. I'll explain, every now and then I have to downgrade a package, due to some sort of issue, (usually wine or ati packages). Down grading to the previous version is usually good enough, but sometimes I need to go back further. So that I can do this I don't clear the cache to frequently.
Now I know that doing a "pacman -Sc" will remove all the old packages upto the currently installed one, and a "pacman -Scc" removes everything. But it would be nice (for me anyway) if you could add a parameter to the "c" to leave that many versions of a package in the cache
example "pacman -Sc=3" this would leave the 3 latest versions of packages alone, but clear out anything older. If there wasn't 3 versions of a package, in the cache, then it would be left alone.
People could keep the number of copies that they feel comfortable with, or not specify a number and things would work as they currently do.
Does anyone know of a way to do a partial clearing alongs the lines discribed?
you could always go into /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ and delete the packages you don't need.
posting your suggestion to the bugzilla might yield better chances of it being implemented as a feature.
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
you could always go into /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ and delete the packages you don't need.
posting your suggestion to the bugzilla might yield better chances of it being implemented as a feature.
Thanks for the input, I was just asking to see if anyone new of a way to achieve this currently, and also to see if it other thought it would be useful.