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#1 2017-12-05 23:13:48

Registered: 2017-12-05
Posts: 1

sd-encrypt hook with keyfile on external USB

For a long time I've used the "encrypt" hook and have recently switched to the "sd-encrypt" hook. I can't seem to tell it to grab the keyfile from a USB drive like I used to with "encrypt".  Is this possible?


#2 2017-12-05 23:34:14

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,330

Re: sd-encrypt hook with keyfile on external USB

See `man 8 systemd-cryptsetup-generator` rd.luks.key which does not support the bitstream on a device type as supported by the cryptkey parameter used by the encrypt hook.
Files in the initrd and files on other filesystems are supported.  Oh and welcome to the arch linux forums ghadi.


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