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#1 2018-01-14 11:47:34

Registered: 2017-05-18
Posts: 27

Scripts for polybar (for Arch linux updates)

I created some "arch" shell scripts for polybar. It mimics i3pystatus updates module.

More at:

Last edited by wioo (2018-01-14 12:22:30)


#2 2018-01-14 13:17:43

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: Scripts for polybar (for Arch linux updates)

You have some very odd conditionals in those scripts.

First you have a conditional that does the same thing on both branches - there's not need for that.  Also, your second conditional starting on line 28 of repeats what was already done above, but instead of appending to the file it completely overwrites the file if there are any aur updates (so if there are any aur updates, no repo updates will be shown).

Second, there is no reason to echo "" to dev null!  It seems you do that just so that you can use the esle clause: you can just change the condition of the test in the first place to "-gt 0" rather than testing whether it equals zero and doing nothing if it does and something in the else clause.

There's also no need to pipe awk to `nl` as awk can add line numbers.  I suspect this would be cleaner with printf rather than print in awk, but I'm not familiar with trizen's output to test (sed might be even cleaner).

Far more importantly, though, the `checkupdates` and `trizen` commands are by far the most resource intensive parts of the script, and you needlessly repeat them 2 to 3 times each to regenerate the exact same output.  Generate the output once, then do what you need with it as needed.

And most importantly, you run a loop, but you get the number of updates only when the script first starts!  So if there no updates when the script first starts, it will continue to report 0 updates indefeinitely, even when there are new updates.  The checkupdates and trizen commands should be run once each time through the loop.

The following does the same thing and fixes all the above:



while true; do
   checkupdates | nl -w2 -s '. ' >| ${path}repo.pkgs
   trizen -Su --aur --quiet | awk  '{print NR ". " substr($2, 1, length($2) - 1) " " $3 " -> " $5}' >| ${path}aur.pkgs
   updates=$(cat ${path}*.pkgs | wc -l)

   echo "0" >| ${path}status
   [ $updates -gt 0 ] && echo "%{F3e60053}$updates" >| ${path}status

   >| ${path}packages
   [ -s ${path}repo.pkgs ] && cat ${path}repo.pkgs >> ${path}packages
   [ -s ${path}aur.pkgs ] && (printf "\nAUR updates\n"; cat ${path}aur.pkgs) >> ${path}packages

   sleep 600

I'd still like to see the awk line cleaned up, but without knowing what trizen output is like that is hard to test.

Last edited by Trilby (2018-01-14 13:18:23)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#3 2018-01-14 13:48:06

Registered: 2017-05-18
Posts: 27

Re: Scripts for polybar (for Arch linux updates)

Wow, thanks for your suggestions.

Output of trizen is
1. trizen: 1:1.37-1 ==> 1:1.39-1

and I like it to be
1. trizen 1:1.37-1 -> 1:1.39-1

also if there are aur updates and no repo updates "AUR updates" should not be printed in new line.


#4 2018-01-14 14:24:21

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: Scripts for polybar (for Arch linux updates)

If trizen really prints the line number like that, then the whole awk script can be replaced with `sed 's/://;s/==/-/`:



while true; do
   checkupdates | nl -w2 -s '. ' >| ${path}repo.pkgs
   trizen -Su --aur --quiet | sed 's/://;s/==/-/' >| ${path}aur.pkgs
   updates=$(cat ${path}*.pkgs | wc -l)

   echo "0" >| ${path}status
   [ $updates -gt 0 ] && echo "%{F3e60053}$updates" >| ${path}status

   >| ${path}packages
   [ -s ${path}repo.pkgs ] && cat ${path}repo.pkgs >> ${path}packages
   [ -s ${path}repo.pks ] && [ -s ${path}aur.pkgs ] && printf "\n" >> ${path}packages
   [ -s ${path}aur.pkgs ] && sed '1iAUR Updates' ${path}aur.pkgs >> ${path}packages

   sleep 600

Last edited by Trilby (2018-01-14 14:25:38)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#5 2018-01-14 15:58:19

Registered: 2017-05-18
Posts: 27

Re: Scripts for polybar (for Arch linux updates)

Thank you.


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