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I am having issues installing Arch Linux on VirtualBox. I have done a few successful installs before so I am not quite sure what has changes since. After running pacstrap to install base packages, I am trying to generate fstab but I am getting this error:
root@archiso ~ # genfstab -U /mnt/etc/fstab
==> ERROR: /mnt/etc/fstab is not a mountpoint
I have mounted my partition to /mnt correctly as the installation of base packages went smoothly and I can arch-chroot in it as well. I tried generating the fstab to a different file but it gave me the same error. Currently I am using GPT with a single partition, I have also tried using a separate boot partition but I get the same error.
Any help will be appreciated!
Last edited by Sviests (2018-01-15 09:58:30)
That's not a valid genfstab command. Read the installation guide again.
Last edited by Slithery (2018-01-15 09:57:05)
Damn it, thanks...