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Help needed.
I had a thinkpad s1 yoga,which is said 'no problem when install' in wiki. However when I try to install arch with usb key in UEFI mode, problem appears.
I changed boot order for the usb key in BIOS, disabled secure boot, leave boot mode to 'UEFI only' and boot with the "Arch Linux archiso x86_46 UEFI CD and the following message show on screen:
EFI stub: ERROR: Failed to read file
Trying to load files to higher address
EFI stub: ERROR: Failed to read file
I searched through this forum and google pages,no success till now.
Any help is appreciated,thanks for your time.
EDIT: No problem with the usb key. I used it to install another machine last week.
Last edited by ifdog (2018-01-19 13:55:55)
How did you create the installation USB?
I use Rufus on windows with dd mode. also I tried the Iso mode, still same result.
It shouldnt be related with the usb key or iso it self because I used the same one installed successfully on another machine.
OK, solved by myself.
Hit F1 when computer start and enter BIOS setup,in Config > USB there is a option for "USB UEFI BIOS Support". Disable it and save.
Last edited by ifdog (2018-01-19 13:55:25)