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I'm trying to run Steam (the Valve Software gaming client) through wine, and when I run it through the console, I get the following output:
$ wine Steam.exe
fixme:rpc:I_RpcServerStartListening (0x20028): stub
fixme:dbghelp:EnumerateLoadedModules If this happens, bump the number in mod
The CPU runs up to 100% as soon as that last line appears, and hangs. The initial Steam updating window flashes for a split second when the command first starts running, but then disappears and the process hangs.
However, this only happens when there appear to be temp files of Steam.exe in the Steam directory. When I remove them and try to run it, I get the following:
$ wine Steam.exe
fixme:rpc:I_RpcServerStartListening (0x20028): stub
err:dbghelp:pe_load_dbg_file -Unable to peruse .DBG file ole32.dbg ("")
wine: Call from 0x7fc1aeb0 to unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.SymGetSymFromAddr64, aborting
fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000001,00000000): stub
fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000000,00000000): stub
fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000001,00000000): stub
fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000000,00000000): stub
Shutting down. . .
30fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000001,00000000): stub
client callback thread error
fixme:rpc:I_RpcWindowProc (0x20028,0000001c,00000000,00000000): stub
I also get a wine popup message that says the following:
Steam.exe (main exception): Win32 StructuredException at 7D99B127: Attempt to read from virtual address 0 without appropriate access rights.
Ba-zing Communications
Just trying some easy trouble shooting ideas here - did you install the mozilla plugin? I had problems with the Wine one, so I ended up using the Cedega one. This article got me up and running perfectly … Wine+Games
Pages: 1