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I am trying to build archiso using the releng template and a local repository so that it builds offline. The end goal is an install iso that syncs from its own local repo, retaining the standard installation procedure minus an internet connection.
I have a local mirrorlist, install.txt and efi shells, but I haven't messed with the efi part yet.
Here are my changes to so far:
(below the commented curl & lynx lines)
# Customize installation (airootfs)
make_customize_airootfs() {
cp -af ${script_path}/airootfs ${work_dir}/${arch}
# curl -o ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist 'https://
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/etc/pacman.d/
cp -ax ${script_path}/mirrorlist ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/etc/pacma
# lynx -dump -nolist '
Guide?action=render' >> ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/root/install.txt
cp -ax ${script_path}/install.txt ${work_dir}/${arch}/airootfs/root/ins
All repos in the archiso pacman.conf are commented out except my local repo.
Server = file:///opt/foo
A copy of this pacman.conf resides in /opt. I have modified the line in /usr/bin/mkarchiso to reference this:
When I run, it starts and then stops:
$ ./
[mkarchiso] INFO: Configuration settings
[mkarchiso] INFO: Command: init
[mkarchiso] INFO: Architecture: x86_64
[mkarchiso] INFO: Working directory: work/x86_64
[mkarchiso] INFO: Installation directory: arch
[mkarchiso] INFO: Pacman config file: work/pacman.conf
[mkarchiso] INFO: Installing packages to 'work/x86_64/airootfs/'...
I tested the unmodified releng build on this machine just to be sure; it outputs a working iso. Not sure where to go from here?
Last edited by zardoz (2018-04-01 00:01:10)
Ack! I'm dumb, sorry. I just found this: … ne_install
I may have missed a thing or two.
Pages: 1