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When I try to start cheese from terminal I get:
Failed to register: Timeout was reached
I tried resetting the cheese settings in dconf-editor but the problem persists.
My webcam works with guvcview so it's not a kernel issue.
I checked the logs and cannot see any relevant lines.
Any suggestions?
Last edited by entodoays (2018-02-26 16:19:13)
I tried running cheese on Gnome on Xorg and it doesn't work either.
Runs OK for me on up to date GNOME + Wayland but takes an unusual 30 secs to start every time. Apart from a minor theme depreciation warning on the command line there are no other log messages, nor in the journal.
Tried running on XFCE and am getting exactly the same error message. This error does not seem related to the Desktop Environment or display server.
I tried running with sudo and it worked, so it seems there's an issue with permissions. Can anybody help me discover which permissions are requested? Maybe I need to add the user to some group.
Same here but permissions are ok:
getfacl /dev/video0
getfacl : suppression du premier « / » des noms de chemins absolus
# file: dev/video0
# owner: root
# group: video
Problem solved. Adding my user to group video with
sudo usermod -a -G video username
solved the problem.
Marking as SOLVED. However it is strange that guvcview, skype and web browsers are capable of using webcam without the user being in the video group and cheese requires it.
Last edited by entodoays (2018-02-26 16:21:04)
sudo usermod -a -G video username
This command does not help for me. Anyone have other advice ?
Last edited by promach (2018-03-10 03:18:40)
Try to disable the pipeware if you run gnome under xorg.
Root command:
systemctl --global disable pipewire.socket
After reboot cheese recognizes the video cam device on localuser.
User command:
systemctl --user status pipewire.socket
Last edited by faceoff (2018-04-06 20:12:17)
Try to disable the pipeware if you run gnome under xorg.
Root command:
systemctl --global disable pipewire.socket
After reboot cheese recognizes the video cam device on localuser.
User command:
systemctl --user status pipewire.socket
This helps me a lot. Thanks!
It even solves the non-response problem of "GNOME Settings" happening after I clicked the "Details -- Users" Tab,