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Hi, everyone.
I've been using Arch Linux for years now and recently am trying to use the GPT partitioning. However, I am struggling to get it to work, following the steps in the wiki or guides on Youtube so far I have been unsuccessful. Everything seems to install fine but there are a few concerns that I have, that and once I eject the LIVE CD it cannot boot my fresh system. When installing base I noticed a few errors ...systemd..tmp failed for example but I am guessing it isn't something to worry about, maybe. Upon installing systemd-boot I get the following.
bootctl --path=/boot/ install
not booted with efi, skipping efi variables setup.
My boot partition is ef00 format using gdisk and formatted using
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdb1
. The only thing I have not done is add a flag because there is no option under gdisk and I am not sure if it needs one or not because of the lack of option. I have been told to use parted which I could but that would take some learning and gdisk is nice and automated. fdisk under the other partition system does have a bootable option but GPT does not.
My question is what step am I missing, do I need to learn to use parted and not f/gdisk to be successful? I can post my install steps if that's useful but honestly it's not too much else other than the basics. Many thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to your reply :-)
Welcome to the forums imolark
Does your computer even support UEFI? Either it doesn't or you have it switched to legacy mode in the firmware menu.
What are the specs of your motherboard/laptop?
Hi and thank you for getting back to me. Maybe it doesn't because under the BIOS boot order It has a SATA or UEFI selection for each bootable media, including the LIVE CD. The UEFI version of the CD doesn't have the graphics like the main one but it seems to boot successfully... I've never used that option before, always the SATA way. My motherboard is the Gigabyte Z77-HD3. It says "Dual UEFI" on its page so maybe it does support it?
Yes the UEFI installation media uses systemd-boot itself instead of syslinux that's why you don't get the graphical bootloader. If that booted correctly you should be in EFI mode and can now continue with the systemd-boot installation (you don't have to reinstall any other parts for that)
Also see here: … _boot_mode
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman