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Hello, I recently installed the beyond kernel and used the gensplash packages using the gensplash wiki ( It worked very well. My only issue is that the Splash screen comes on very late in the boot-up process (after all the modules and udev were loaded..). I may be incorrect but with the gentoo live cd the splash screen began almost immediatly after I hit enter at the boot screen.
Does anyone know where I can find out how to make the boot splash begin earlier (I would very much like to have the gensplash initiate at about the same time as the kernel begins to unpack or at least at the same time as the init system.
Note: I may have some grammer mistakes and there also may exsist some flaws in the technical aspects of the issues that I am asking about, I do apologize, however that is why I am here (to learn and to help out where I can), please correct me so that if someone else has a similar problem they are not confuesed by any mistakes in this thread. Thanx
In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.
In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.
On my system the silent splash screens appear just after the kernel has uncompressed: I think it is the same for most people. Admittedly the progress bar doesn't start moving until the init process starts up but that is normal. I assume that is not the case for you?
What are you using as your grub/lilo entry?
Do you have a SMP machine, or a P4 with hyper threading enabled?
I had the same problems - switched back to normal kernel though. I remember, that disabling HT leads to the 'correct' behaviour.
No, I have a regular P4 1.7ghz. I did not compile my own kernel, that MAY have something to do with it. Also, my computer starts up in 25-35 seconds (not including kernel unpacking) which may leave very little time for gensplash..(5-9 seonds). I will be compiling a custom kernel in the next few days, if anyone knows of some options that they reccomend I disable or enable please post. (I mean in refrence to the gensplash issue, but if you know any other options you feel are useful I wouldnt mind hearing them )
In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.
I have another problem with the splash-screen stuff... hope anyone can help. Everything works well... until I start the X-Server. My textconsoles become barely usable then as they all - especially the one with the graphical background - become quite distorted then. Stoping the X-Server doesn't help until next reboot. Does anyone know what exactly is the probleme and/or has an idea how to get rid of it?
They say if you reverse play a Windows CD you can hear satanic verses... But wanna know what's even worse? If you forward play it, it's gonna install Windows on your system!
I have another problem with the splash-screen stuff... hope anyone can help. Everything works well... until I start the X-Server. My textconsoles become barely usable then as they all - especially the one with the graphical background - become quite distorted then. Stoping the X-Server doesn't help until next reboot. Does anyone know what exactly is the probleme and/or has an idea how to get rid of it?
Are you using nvidia -or ati-drivers?They may conflict with framebuffer.
quote nvidia faq:
Q: My system hangs when vt-switching if I have rivafb enabled.
A: Using both rivafb and the NVIDIA kernel module at the same time is
currently broken. In general, using two independent software drivers
to drive the same piece of hardware is a bad idea.
I had same problems with fb and nvidia-driver when both were installed.
With delight the world's fettered.With directed thought it's examined.
Through the abandoning of craving is there said to be Unbinding.
SN 1109
Are you using nvidia -or ati-drivers?They may conflict with framebuffer.
In fact I don't know too much about my graphical system as I don't have a special graphic card (just what was inside of my laptop) and when installing the X-Server evertything worked just fine, so I didn't care. The only thing I can tell you by now is what my xorg.conf says. If you want any additional information or have an idea of how to avoid these conflicts, please tell me.
Guess these should be the relevant lines
# Standard VGA Device:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Standard VGA"
VendorName "Unknown"
BoardName "Unknown"
Driver "vga"
# Device configured by xorgconfig:
Section "Device"
Identifier "** Intel i810 (generic) [i810]"
Driver "i810"
BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
#VideoRam 65536
# Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate
They say if you reverse play a Windows CD you can hear satanic verses... But wanna know what's even worse? If you forward play it, it's gonna install Windows on your system!
I don't have a special graphic card (just what was inside of my laptop) and when installing the X-Server evertything worked just fine, so I didn't care
I would care. Your X server may not be configured correctly which could give you all kinds of problems. Your xorg.conf, while fairly useful doesn't tell us what laptop/graphics card you have...we could use that.
I would care. Your X server may not be configured correctly which could give you all kinds of problems. Your xorg.conf, while fairly useful doesn't tell us what laptop/graphics card you have...we could use that.
The problem is that I don't have too much information about my graphics device. All that the handbook says is that it's an Intel UMA chip with 64 MByte (shared memory). But I remember that I once added the i810 entry by myself using xorgconfig (i810 is one of the cards that you can directly choose from the list there) according to the entries of an old xorg.conf. I was using Mandriva Linux back then and there everything worked fine, framebuffer, splashscreen, Xserver... with the very same graphic settings.
They say if you reverse play a Windows CD you can hear satanic verses... But wanna know what's even worse? If you forward play it, it's gonna install Windows on your system!
I relize this post is rather old but I also had this problem and figured out the solution.
... My only issue is that the Splash screen comes on very late in the boot-up process (after all the modules and udev were loaded..) .... Does anyone know where I can find out how to make the boot splash begin earlier (I would very much like to have the gensplash initiate at about the same time as the kernel begins to unpack or at least at the same time as the init system.
The problem which appears to be a late gensplash startup (starting after udev etc..) is not that it's late at all. It's just that your fbsplash isn't loading correctly.
It only happened to me with the silent (initscripts-gensplash) scripts and kernel option. When I set the kernel option to verbose then nothing would load and so I knew there was a problem.
fbsplash = the framebuffer kernel patch (loads the gfx during kernel boot)
gensplash = the userspace gfx stuff during startup scripts.
without fbsplash properly setup you will see plain kernel/console messages until the gensplash userspace stuff is run therefore looking like it's starting late in the boot process.
So get your fbsplash stuff to work and all will be good.
if your using mkinitcpio for your kernel image then make sure when you..
mkinitcpio -g /boot/kernel26beyond.img
that it shows your fbsplash hook is properly installed. Stupid me I was modifying /boot/mkinitcpio-kernel26beyond.conf when the wiki clearly stated to edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.
Ah well live and learn.. hope this helps someone
Can someone tell me how can I patch my kernel with fbsplash? In the wiki is guide, but that PKGBUILD install kernel versio 2.6.7.
I think I will need to write a new page on how to build the stock kernel with the gensplash patches as several people are asking about it. I'll try and update the wiki when I have time...soonish
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