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I'm tryin to install archlinux next wo windows 10 on new dell xps15 laptop.
I saw, I did part UEFI.
(small problem, I used Rufus, If i choose GPT UEFI and iso, then usb is not visible, if I choose GPT UEFI and DD then it is)
Then I did configuration step by step
This is new laptop with oginal system end there is few partitions. I resized windows partition and did my own (swap, /mnt, /home)
Here is it
I formatted swap partition
# mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p7
# swapon /dev/nvme0n1p7
and others
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p8
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p9
then mount partitions
mount nvme0n1p8 /mnt
mount nvme0n1p9 /mnt/home
but.. mounting boot partition?
mount nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot
?? (i did it this way for tests)
After that I did next steps (documentation):
- Install the base packages
- Generate an fstab file
- chroot
- timezone
- locale
- hostname
- rootpsswd
I stack in boot loader.
I don't know what I should choose and how to configure it.
Anyone want to help me?
I will be grateful.
Mod Edit - Replaced oversized image with link.
CoC - Pasting pictures and code
Last edited by Slithery (2018-05-22 11:20:55)
Personally I'd use systemd-boot as it is easy to configure and already installed.
Follow it's wiki page for instructions.
Nice, I will.
And how about mount boot partition, is it ok?
Yes that's alright, you should ensure that it has an entry in your fstab so that it remains mounted and will allow for seamless kernel updates.
Ok. I wil try it asap
Ok, I configured systemd-boot. I have a menu with linux and windows (windows didnt want to start, but later).
I have a problem during turn off/reboot
lines (sorry, but i have consoel on other laptop, so its not copy-paste)
watchdog: eathdog did not stop
sd-remou[xxx]: Failed to remount '/oldroot/sys/fs/cgroup/(different values)' readonly: Device or resource busy
shutdown[xxx]: Remounting '/oldroot/sys/fs/cgroup/(different values)' failed abnormally, child process 5xx aborted
shutdown[xxx]: Unmounting '/oldroot/sys/fs/cgroup' failed abnormally, child process 5xx aborted
sd-remou[xxx]: Failed to unmount '/oldroot': Device or resource busy
sd-unmou[xxx]: Failed to unmount '/oldroot/(different values)': Device or resource busy
System didnt start de facto, some tmp problems
... nouveau pointer to tmds table invalid
but I did not configure grahics at all, so I think it could be a reason. Am I right?
About reboot error, there is so much windows partitions (orginal with system, recovery etc,
Maybe one of them? i dont know. '/oldroot/sys' looks like linux
The reboot and shutdown errors are a known bug that will be fixed with the next version of systemd. They are nothing to worry about.
Nice, first I have to solve nvidia issue.
I read an article when author wrote about fixed unmount problems after install bumblebee. I Hope so
I'll try it after work
Hey Wasper, how did this end for you? Did you manage to get everything working? I also have dual boot on Dell XPS 15 9560, and the thing I needed to do to get Win10 loading was to configure it to work with disk that is in AHCI mode (instead of RAID, which is what it expects).
Also, you can delete most of those Win partitions.
I documented my steps and put them here … ps-15.html so maybe that helps, it contains both steps for getting Win10 to work with AHCI and I mention which partitions are ok to delete.
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