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aclh is an asynchronous command-line HTTP client. It is similar to curl/wget but with async feature.
what is use case of async based command line HTTP client?
If synchronous HTTP client (like curl or wget) is downloading 10 webpages, then it will download them sequentially. During this time if one of the requested page is slow, then the client will wait for it till timeout occurs, and only after that it will try processing other requests.
But in case of async, the client can automatically block any request which is waiting for some network I/O and schedule another one. It means if the client is downloading 100 web pages, and if first 50 pages are slow and 51'st page is fast, then it will automatically schedule 51'st page first and schedule slow pages later on. And all of this will happen in just one single thread, leading to better utilization of available resources. No need to create separate process or new thread for achieving concurrency.