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Hi I'm budRich. I'm a stereotypical i3+arch ricer who likes to write scripts. I just added i3ass to AUR, and thought i might announce it here:
Available in AUR
Source on GitHub
Most of the scripts in this collection are side effects from the development of i3fyra (which is included in i3ass), but they can all be used more or less independently. All scripts have a manpage (with the same content as the scripts README on github) so below is just a short summary of the functionality:
i3fyra An advanced simple layout
i3run Run, Raise or hide a window
i3get Get information about i3
i3list Get lots of information about i3
i3gw Ghost window wrapper script
i3flip Tabswitching done right
i3viswiz Focus switching and visible-window-info
i3var Set or get a i3 variable
I have a ~17 minute long demonstration video on i3fyra on my youtube channel. Even if the video was recorded more then 8 months ago, most of the functionality is the same, i will record a new demo this week though.