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#1 2004-03-11 00:22:57

Forum Fellow
From: Victoria, Canada
Registered: 2003-05-04
Posts: 553

Waimea: shall we keep it


the waimea package is flagged out of date, i dunno why, though. Currently,
it is an orphan. Now, the latest release is from Nov 2002, and there youngest
file in the cvs is 15 Month old, seems to be README, anyway.

Now for the question: who is using it, still. Shall we keep that package. Or
shall we drop it and create some ressource for new packages. Additionally,
there is a successor of it -> Kahakai, which is in extra.

Waiting for replies, thanks

PS: to the anonymous one who flagged my fluxbox out of date.
It is not out of date, stable is 0.1.14
If you're looking for 0.9.8 please use fluxbox-devel which sits in unstable smile


#2 2004-03-11 01:07:22

From: New Jersey
Registered: 2003-07-26
Posts: 507

Re: Waimea: shall we keep it

I don't think kahakai is made by the same people that made Waimea. Because of that, I think we should keep it as long as it builds/runs. There really isn't a reason NOT to keep it.

Honestly, saving 1-2 MB isn't a big deal, and it's a bad policy to delete completely working packages because they're deemed "unpopular".

For example, the repos still have XFCE3 even though it's completely unsupported and XFCE4 is out. I think this is fine because they are really two separate beasts. XFCE4 is much bigger and I could see some people preferring xfce3.

IMO, the motto should be "package everything". It can only make things better, and hey, it's easier for you to maintain if they don't have any releases. tongue

"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."


#3 2004-03-11 11:01:46

Forum Fellow
From: Victoria, Canada
Registered: 2003-05-04
Posts: 553

Re: Waimea: shall we keep it

Hi contrasutra,

contrasutra wrote:

Honestly, saving 1-2 MB isn't a big deal, and it's a bad policy to delete completely working packages because they're deemed "unpopular".

Well I don't say its  unpopular. I raise the question cause it is still quite
popular. Just development seems to have stopped. Kahakai is a fork of it.
With the aim to make it better, for sure smile

contrasutra wrote:

For example, the repos still have XFCE3 even though it's completely unsupported and XFCE4 is out. I think this is fine because they are really two separate beasts. XFCE4 is much bigger and I could see some people preferring xfce3.

IMO, the motto should be "package everything". It can only make things better, and hey, it's easier for you to maintain if they don't have any releases. tongue

Well, I see your point. I go for keeping waimea and dropping waimea-cvs.
Our package for it is older than the on for the latest release anyway.

thanks, neri


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