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vim auto completes libraries but not functions if I haven't already typed them. I downloaded ycm from github and ran this:
yay -S clang
yay -S cmake
yay -S lib32-gcc-libs
yay -S libtinfo
yay -S ncurses5-compat-libs
then I added Plugin 'valloric/youcompleteme' into my vimrc since I have vundle installed. I tried to use autocomplete but the ycmd server crashed, which I fixed by going into .vim/bunde/youcomleteme and execute
sudo python3 ./ --clang-completer --system-libclang
This made the ycmd server crash disapear but I had not autocomplete what so ever unless it was something I've already typed so I added a global into .vim which looks like this
import os
import ycm_core
flags = [
SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c', ]
def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ):
return {
'flags': flags,
'do_cache': True
Which partly works but doesn't auto complete functions unless I've already typed them out previously inside that .c file. I also tried with another and it gave me the same result
import os
import os.path
import fnmatch
import logging
import ycm_core
import re
def IsHeaderFile(filename):
extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
return extension in HEADER_EXTENSIONS
def GetCompilationInfoForFile(database, filename):
if IsHeaderFile(filename):
basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS:
# Get info from the source files by replacing the extension.
replacement_file = basename + extension
if os.path.exists(replacement_file):
compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(replacement_file)
if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
return compilation_info
# If that wasn't successful, try replacing possible header directory with possible source directories.
for header_dir in HEADER_DIRECTORIES:
for source_dir in SOURCE_DIRECTORIES:
src_file = replacement_file.replace(header_dir, source_dir)
if os.path.exists(src_file):
compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(src_file)
if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
return compilation_info
return None
return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename)
def FindNearest(path, target, build_folder):
candidate = os.path.join(path, target)
if(os.path.isfile(candidate) or os.path.isdir(candidate)):"Found nearest " + target + " at " + candidate)
return candidate;
parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path));
if(parent == path):
raise RuntimeError("Could not find " + target);
candidate = os.path.join(parent, build_folder, target)
if(os.path.isfile(candidate) or os.path.isdir(candidate)):"Found nearest " + target + " in build folder at " + candidate)
return candidate;
return FindNearest(parent, target, build_folder)
def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(flags, working_directory):
if not working_directory:
return list(flags)
new_flags = []
make_next_absolute = False
path_flags = [ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' ]
for flag in flags:
new_flag = flag
if make_next_absolute:
make_next_absolute = False
if not flag.startswith('/'):
new_flag = os.path.join(working_directory, flag)
for path_flag in path_flags:
if flag == path_flag:
make_next_absolute = True
if flag.startswith(path_flag):
path = flag[ len(path_flag): ]
new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join(working_directory, path)
if new_flag:
return new_flags
def FlagsForClangComplete(root):
clang_complete_path = FindNearest(root, '.clang_complete')
clang_complete_flags = open(clang_complete_path, 'r').read().splitlines()
return clang_complete_flags
return None
def FlagsForInclude(root):
include_path = FindNearest(root, 'include')
flags = []
for dirroot, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(include_path):
for dir_path in dirnames:
real_path = os.path.join(dirroot, dir_path)
flags = flags + ["-I" + real_path]
return flags
return None
def FlagsForCompilationDatabase(root, filename):
# Last argument of next function is the name of the build folder for
# out of source projects
compilation_db_path = FindNearest(root, 'compile_commands.json', 'build')
compilation_db_dir = os.path.dirname(compilation_db_path)"Set compilation database directory to " + compilation_db_dir)
compilation_db = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase(compilation_db_dir)
if not compilation_db:"Compilation database file found but unable to load")
return None
compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile(compilation_db, filename)
if not compilation_info:"No compilation info for " + filename + " in compilation database")
return None
return MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
return None
def FlagsForFile(filename):
root = os.path.realpath(filename);
compilation_db_flags = FlagsForCompilationDatabase(root, filename)
if compilation_db_flags:
final_flags = compilation_db_flags
final_flags = BASE_FLAGS
clang_flags = FlagsForClangComplete(root)
if clang_flags:
final_flags = final_flags + clang_flags
include_flags = FlagsForInclude(root)
if include_flags:
final_flags = final_flags + include_flags
return {
'flags': final_flags,
'do_cache': True
I try out vim by creating a new folder, entering it and edit a file called main.c . This main.c again has no auto completion on anything unless it has been typed out previously inside that c file. I've tried using vim-youcompleteme-git from AUR but it gives me the same result as installing from a git clone of ycm.
Last edited by leethaxor (2018-07-13 05:43:24)
Pages: 1