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Hello all! It's been quite a while, since I've posted on the forums, but last week I made my first 100% original / made from scratch contribution to the AUR! For the tabletop gamers out there, I give you:
dnd-toos: Interactive, cross platform, offline, command line gamemaster tools for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Compatible with Python 3.x and 2.x
Interactive functions
Character generator - now including ability scores and saving throws
NPC generator - 35 NPC classes with stat blocks
Save / Export character to text file
Dice roller: any number of die, any number of sides
Random loot generator per monster CR and quantity
Encounter difficulty calculator
Initiative roller (without modifiers)
Tarokka (tarrot) card game
Wild magic effect roller
To Do: planned features
I'm still very much a novice programmer, so please be patient with development if you run into issues. As I've noted on GitHub and on the AUR, there are dozens of random number generators, tables, and lists involved with this program, so it's very difficult to test every possible outcome of every feature. Most issues are likely due to simple typos or syntax errors. Please don't hesitate to make a pull request on GitHub after viewing the guide to contributing.
Feature requests are also welcome! See the guide to requesting features.
*edited to add features
Last edited by grandtheftjiujitsu (2018-07-24 01:36:20)
Excellent. Have some Dwarven Stout for your efforts my friend.
P.S. Please don't instruct Arch users to install your package with yaourt. Just point to makepkg or the AUR wiki page. Similarly you give the impression that Notepad++ is a requirement to use the software on Windows.
Last edited by Alad (2017-06-17 14:52:51)
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Thanks for the stout!
I've updated the to redirect Arch Users to the wiki's AUR installation instructions. Windows instructions have been updated to a non-specific text editor. Changes will be pushed with an update later today
Moving to Community Contributions.
Version 0.1.4
Added Feature: skills and saving throws added to character generator
Added Feature: Backwards compatibility added for Python 2.x
Added Feature: NPC generator
Guides: for contributing / versioning and for feature requests
PS: Thanks to anyone who gave this a star on GitHub or a vote in the AUR!
neat, gotta play with this.
lol @ windows installation steps. Why not simply "Right click and Save as"?
Last edited by Rasi (2018-07-24 04:54:13)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams