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#1 2006-07-21 22:53:59

Registered: 2006-04-30
Posts: 235

Odd Gvim behavior in Fluxbox

I just started using gvim recently, and while it's a great editor, it has some weird resizing behavior. I'm not quite sure if it is gvim or fluxbox that is responsible, so I was wondering if anybody could help me stop it. Here's what happens:
I start Gvim and it looks like this. The dimensions of this window are set by fluxbox, previously I resized it to the size I wanted it and selected remember -> dimensions from the rightclick menue of its title bar. Notice where the bottom edge of the window is.

Then, when I open a newtab(:tabnew), this happens:
The bottom edge of the window jumps down, so it sits on top of the panel. Then, if I close the tab (:q) this happens:
It jumps way up! Anybody seen this before?


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