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Hi. I installed arch linux with three partitions: sdb1 boot, sdb2 root (ssd), sda1 home (hdd).
One partition is on separate disk. Encrypted both, root and home (dmcrypt with luks). Root is launched via bootctl's entry in /boot/loader/entries.
Home is encrypted via record in /etc/crypttab, then added in /etc/fstab (I substituted automatically generated entry from genfstab:
# /dev/mapper/crypthome
UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxx /home ext4 rw,realtime 0 2
/dev/mapper/crypthome /home ext4 default,errors=remount-ro 0 2
After unlocking both drives, I'm on login screen and can't login to my user or even root.
Created user with:
useradd -m -g users -G wheel,games,power,optical,storage,scanner,lp,audio,video -s /bin/zsh user
Obviously both passwords were changed.
Is there something I missed I should do?
Last edited by dzikichrzan (2018-07-27 19:14:33)
Is /home actually getting unlocked? Also, where did you get that useradd comand? None of those groups is necessary...
I found answer... I couldn't login because my default keyboard had replaced question mark (?) with underscore (_)... This made my password invalid.
Two days of recreating users and encryptions.
Solved... Have a nice drink.
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