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Well, after failed attempts at getting my onboard ich5 chipset to work (which turned out to be Alsa 1.0.10 and 1.0.11 as 1.0.9 worked fine with it.) I decided to get a new soundcard. I purchased a Soundblaster Audigy SE.
The card is detected, there are no errors, and I can actually hear sounds coming from every application that plays audio. The only problem is, there's a loud static over these sounds which makes the sounds barely audible. Loud static, low sound. I've tried several different options in alsamixer but it doesn't help the static. By the way, the only options in alsamixer are for IEC. There are no "Master" or "PCM" sliders. (Not sure if this is what these cards do or not.)
Is there anyone out there that has this card and has been successful with it? I'm definitely having no luck with the sound thing lately. If anyone has any information or experiences with it, let me know please. I've googled around but really found nothing that helps as far adjustments and whatnot.
NOTE: I have read of success with this card in some other distributions.
maybe you can set it manually with amixer.
amixer -h
probably something like:
amixer sset Master on
amixer sset PCM on
and to increase the volume:
amixer sset Master 30
amixer sset PCM 30
but it prolly don't work... Have you checked out the links at the bottom of: … nd_at_once ?
Also i seem to be getting louder sound from the oss emulation kernel module for some reason... maybe you can up the audio in audacios or something for the oss sound and have it affect the whole system? that's just a shot in the dark..
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