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I just want to know is there any reason to prepare AUR packages for games i like
I'm build games from AUR .
AUR: 7
other binary: 4
Firstly i build them from AUR.
Then try from source.
After bashing my keyboard for a few mins I go over to my windows box install it, play it for 15mins and then return to my linux box
syd, could you give me names of few games you could not compile?
I build games from the AUR all the time, although a lot of them are broken, and I have to rewrite the pkgbuild, but what matters is that the game works, but what I do most is old school emulation, epsxe and zsnes, does anyone know a good nes emulator?
I was using nestra and tuxnes 5 years ago, I don't think that today it's harder to find one
First serching by pacman, then in aur, then waiting when it be there.
i build them from sources because if i am succeed, i'll prepare a PKGBUILD of that game
In a world without walls,who need windows?
For nes emulator, I've put fceu in community. There's also a GUI for it: gfceu (in community too).
For nes emulator, I've put fceu in community. There's also a GUI for it: gfceu (in community too).
Snowman, I didn't know there was a gui for fceu! I love you man!
For nes emulator, I've put fceu in community. There's also a GUI for it: gfceu (in community too).
Snowman, I didn't know there was a gui for fceu! I love you man!
It's also written by an ex-Archer: punkrockguy318 8)
BTW, I'll update it to 0.5.0 this week-end.
I check current/extra/community first, and if it's not there, I usually compile from source myself. Sometimes I'll use provided binaries. No need to compile on my own time if someone else has done it.
Every game I've looked for (BZflag, Nethack, Zsnes) has been in the repositories, so that's the only method I've used to far. I'm always looking to try out new games, though, and I hadn't thought to check AUR. I'll definitely browse through there.
Linux games?
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
How many native lInux games are there which are good as windows/DOS games?
Is Doom native for you? What about Duke Nukem 3D? Descent?
How many native lInux games are there which are good as windows/DOS games?
Lots. Bzflag, Nethack, Frozen Bubble, Cube, Warsow, Nexuiz, Tremulous, Abuse, Descent 1-3, DROD, Vega Strike, Sauerbraten, Bungie's Marathon games, Xpilot, and plenty more that don't come to mind right now.
lumiwa wrote:How many native lInux games are there which are good as windows/DOS games?
Lots. Bzflag, Nethack, Frozen Bubble, Cube, Warsow, Nexuiz, Tremulous, Abuse, Descent 1-3, DROD, Vega Strike, Sauerbraten, Bungie's Marathon games, Xpilot, and plenty more that don't come to mind right now.
I didn't wrote that there are no games but if you compare with number of games for Windows and DOS is this number very low.
Many of above games are shooting (i don't know if is correct name) games. How many adventure games are for LInux. I know just FBI Hopkins or something like this.
How many of Linux users use CEDEGA, Wine and why? How many of Linux users has Windows on computer too. Why?
What is your point, lumiwa? Why not compare Windows games to Playstation 2?
Wait few months, CELL(PS3)'s default OS gonna be linux & mac os.
SO When the time is now,
You should ask the question like this, PLEASE, REPEAT THIS.
How many native Windows/DOS games are there which are good as Linux games?
I removed my sig, cause i select the flag, the flag often the target of enemy.
SAR brain-tumor
What is your point, lumiwa? Why not compare Windows games to Playstation 2?
My point is that there not so many games for Linux which works without wine or cedega and those games are IMO windows games.
Playstation is not OS system I think.
What's your point Lumiwa? I took your question to mean "are there any good Linux games," so I listed some. We all know that there are fewer Linux games than Windows games, especially when you're talking about big-budget games. I don't see what you're trying to find out or convince us of.
Now that's a good flamewar, let's all sit, take a popcorn and watch!
Now that's a good flamewar, let's all sit, take a popcorn and watch!
I'll just run for the fire extinguisher. :!:
I don't think anyone is mad yet. I'm just not sure what the guy is looking for. Agreement or commiseration? It looks like maybe he's actually wondering how many of us still feel the need to run games in Wine or Windows. If that's it, maybe making another poll about that would be a good idea.
I keep a Windows partition around because I haven't had much luck running games in Wine. I also use DOSbox a lot. There are still lots of good DOS games I haven't played, so I don't use the Windows partition much. Still, most of my gaming right now is via an emulator, and not native games. It goes back and forth though; at one time I was playing mostly native games.
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