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#1 2018-09-16 05:46:25

Registered: 2018-09-16
Posts: 5

[Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer


I've been exclusively using Arch Linux in my desktop/main computer for a little over a month already (yay not dealing with Windows xD) and over the weekend I've been trying to replicate my install and settings on my laptop as well to have a unified experience. The problem I'm having is that after installing the same base programs and copying/applying my dotfiles on the laptop I can't get URXVT (and other terminal emulators) to properly display all the fonts.

A couple examples:

  • How the bash prompt shows up link vs how it should look like link

  • How `vtop` looks like link vs how it should look like link

That's using i3-gapps + compton + urxvt. The weird thing is that in ST, sshing from my desktop computer (where the config works correctly) and switching to tty2 (or any other) the bash prompt looks correct but vtop still shows question marks for graphics. Termite on the other hand shows _ in the bash prompt instead of the arrows and it also fails to show vtop correctly.

I don't think it's just the Terminess font that has the issue because if I open some config files in which I use glyphs and icons from the other fonts they fail to display as well.

The output from `echo $TERM` is `rxvt-unicode-256color` and .Xresources is loaded through .xinitrc. I tried using both the default xinitrc file by copying it from /etc/X11 to my home and also writing a simplified one that just does the xrdb command and then runs i3.

Here's how my `.Xresources` looks like:

#define 	font0 			TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono
#define		font1			FontAwesome
#define		font2			Material Icons
#define		font3			SauceCodePro Nerd Font
#define		modifiers0		style=Regular:antialias=true:hinting=slight
#define		size0			size=11
#define		size1			size=11
#define		transparency0		90
#define		transparency1		#cc000000

!Termite settings
!termite_size	10

!pywal generated colors
#include ".cache/wal/colors.Xresources"

#include ".Xresources.d/rxvt-unicode"

#include ".Xresources.d/polybar"

And here's the specific file for urxvt.

URxvt.intensityStyles:  false
URxvt.background:       [transparency0]#000000
URxvt.depth:            32
URxvt.font:             xft:font0:modifiers0:size0, \
			xft:font1:modifiers0:size0, \
			xft:font2:modifiers0:size0, \
URxvt.letterSpace:      1
URxvt.scrollBar:        false
URxvt.cursorColor:      white

URxvt.perl-ext-common:  default,matcher,resize-font,url-select,keyboard-select
URxvt.colorUL:          #4682B4

URxvt.keysym.M-u:       perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.launcher: linkhandler
URxvt.url-select.underline: true

URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate

URxvt.resize-font.smaller:      C-Down
URxvt.resize-font.bigger:       C-Up

URxvt.url-launcher:     l

All the used fonts show up in fc-list:

fc-list | grep -i terminess
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Bold Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Bold Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Bold Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono:style=Bold Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono:style=Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Bold Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono:style=Medium
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Nerd Font Complete.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Medium
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Terminess (TTF) Bold Nerd Font Complete.ttf: TerminessTTF Nerd Font:style=Bold

fc-list | grep -i awesome  
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fontawesome-webfont.ttf: FontAwesome:style=Regular

fc-list | grep -i material
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf: Material Icons:style=Regular

fc-list | grep -i sauce   
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Medium Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Medium,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Black Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Black,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Semibold Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Semibold,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Bold Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Bold Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Black Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Black Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro ExtraLight Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=ExtraLight Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro ExtraLight Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=ExtraLight,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Black Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Black,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Semibold Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Semibold Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Light Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Light,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Semibold Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Semibold Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro ExtraLight Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=ExtraLight Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro ExtraLight Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=ExtraLight,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Medium Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Medium Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Medium Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Medium,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Light Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Light,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Light Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Light Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Medium Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Medium Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Bold Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Semibold Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Semibold,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Light Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Light Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Bold Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Black Italic Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:style=Black Italic,Italic
/usr/share/fonts/nerd-fonts-complete/ttf/Sauce Code Pro Bold Italic Nerd Font Complete.ttf: SauceCodePro Nerd Font:style=Bold Italic

The only big difference between my two systems  (besides hardware/specs) is that my desktop is using a 'plain' installation while the laptop has an LVM/encrypted install for / and /home (not for /boot) but I assume that's irrelevant once it actually gets into the OS itself.

Any idea where I could be screwing up? I've been trying different things and reading up on other threads and the wiki but can't seem to figure it out sad.

Last edited by Laucien (2018-09-16 19:51:06)


#2 2018-09-16 14:06:25

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,229

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

Looks more like a locale issue to me.


#3 2018-09-16 14:57:29

Registered: 2007-04-03
Posts: 3,742

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

fc-query /usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-regular-400.ttf
Pattern has 24 elts (size 32)
	family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"(s)

$ fc-match "Font Awesome 5 Free"
fa-regular-400.ttf: "Font Awesome 5 Free" "Regular"

$ fc-match "FontAwesome"
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

(Bitstream Vera Sans is my default font.)

Does e.g. "FontAwesome" really match on the right font?


$ fc-list | grep -i awesome
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-regular-400.ttf: Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-solid-900.ttf: Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-brands-400.ttf: Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular

That's a different result to yours! Are your TTF files good? Mine are from community/ttf-font-awesome 5.3.1-1

Last edited by brebs (2018-09-16 15:00:50)


#4 2018-09-16 19:50:12

Registered: 2018-09-16
Posts: 5

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

seth wrote:

Looks more like a locale issue to me.

You were right!. I had the locale variables on that computer completely messed up. Would never have thought to look into that, thanks big_smile.

brebs wrote:

That's a different result to yours! Are your TTF files good? Mine are from community/ttf-font-awesome 5.3.1-1

Yup! That's because I'm using an AUR package to stay in FontAwesome 4. I imported an old config from an Ubuntu machine that used version 4 and didn't feel like dealing with updating it.


#5 2018-09-16 20:07:02

Registered: 2007-04-03
Posts: 3,742

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

So, you had the locale set to e.g. Chinese, to be outside of the A-to-Z character set?


#6 2018-09-16 20:09:11

Registered: 2018-09-16
Posts: 5

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

brebs wrote:

So, you had the locale set to e.g. Chinese, to be outside of the A-to-Z character set?

Somehow I had it set to "C".


I have no idea how that happened because I remember editing the file during install and uncommenting the en_US one.

Last edited by Laucien (2018-09-16 20:09:27)


#7 2018-09-16 21:12:09

Registered: 2007-04-03
Posts: 3,742

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

There's 2 files to edit:



#8 2018-09-16 21:24:48

Registered: 2018-09-16
Posts: 5

Re: [Solved] Font issues - Unable to replicate config in another computer

brebs wrote:

There's 2 files to edit:


Yeah. What I think happened is that when I was following the tutorial/guide to do an encrypted install it said to edit /etc/locale.gen but then I completely forgot to modify locale.conf as well.


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