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I've lately started to get interested in kernel modules. I've came across the AUR package `batman-adv` which is really outdated by I've updated it myself before building it but I have several questions:
Would it be true to say the most important file a kernel module package should contain is something like this:
/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/net/<name>/<name>.ko
If the above is correct, does this mean a kernel module package should be recompiled with a bigger `pkgrel` every time a new kernel release is available?
I understand that the default Arch Linux kernel comes with modules built in to the package, Does it contain the batman-adv kernel module already? If not, what is the meaning of this:
$ pacman -Ql linux | grep batman
linux /usr/lib/modules/4.18.9-arch1-1-ARCH/kernel/net/batman-adv/
linux /usr/lib/modules/4.18.9-arch1-1-ARCH/kernel/net/batman-adv/batman-adv.ko.xz
If the above is true, does it mean the aur package should be requested for removal?
Last edited by Doron.Behar (2018-09-26 13:46:03)
I know nothing about this module or what it does, but most of these questions can be answered by first understanding the 3 states a module can be in, and second by looking at the kernel config. First, modules can either be compiled in to the kernel (in which case there'd be no .ko.xz file for them) or they can be compiled as a loadable module, in which case there would be the .ko.xz file, or they might not be compiled with the package at all.
Looking at the config file for the currently running kernel, you can see the state for each module of interest:
$ zgrep -i batman /proc/config.gz
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
1 No arch uses usr/lib/modules/extramodules-ARCH/ for out of tree none DKMS modules
3 Yes
4 What are the differences between the current in tree and out of tree modules?
4 What are the differences between the current in tree and out of tree modules?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, As for the `/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/updates/net/<name>/<name>.ko` scheme for additional kernel modules, the original `batman-adv` package which will be requested for removal soon thanks to my current understanding, provides the following file:
The AUR package is using a different module source. What differences if any does that provide from the in tree version?
Have you compared the sources of the two modules or functionality of the two modules in use?
If you use such a path it would need to be updated with every kernel release even if MODVERSIONS matched.
It's explicitly available as both an in-tree and out-of-tree module, and I guess the AUR version has experimental or unpolished code that people very interested in batman-adv might want to try out, but which aren't ready to be pulled into Linus' tree yet.
I see no reason to delete it.
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