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I'm having an issue during install where I run locale-gen, but when I go to follow the next step of checking the /etc/locale.conf file, it is missing.
The only locale I have uncommented in /etc/locale.gen is
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
locale-gen seemed to run fine, after running it I get:
Generating locales...
en_US.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
Then, if I run
cat /etc/locale.conf
it yields this:
cat: /etc/locale.conf: No such file or directory
Am I missing something obvious here? ( … calization)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Marked as solved
Other related info:
Installing on a VirtualBox VDI image, installing from archlinux-2018.09.01-x86_64.iso
Last edited by Schlitzkrieg (2018-09-28 13:37:01)
It's not supposed to. Everything seems fine.
It's not supposed to. Everything seems fine.
Scimmia, I really appreciate you taking the time to chime in. Since this step is not needed, I'll consider this problem solved. But, before I do, can you tell me why I didn't need this step? I was only doing it because it was one of the few in the installation instructions.
Set the LANG variable in locale.conf(5) accordingly, for example:
The instructions tell you to create that file and set it to that value, locale-gen does not create that file.
The instructions tell you to create that file and set it to that value, locale-gen does not create that file.
Thanks V1del.
The instructions don't tell you to "create" the file explicitly. I did consider this thought, that maybe I should create it. However, I noticed that the very next section uses the language "Create the hostname file:" ( … figuration) and because that sort of explicit instruction was not in the previous section, I had to assume that I'm not creating that file.
So, for that reason, I thought I should come here first before I start creating files on my own, files that potentially have to be generated by an installation command.
I really appreciate your help!
Last edited by Schlitzkrieg (2018-09-28 13:35:38)