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I am building _Password Safe_ from the AUR:
During the makepkg stage, I received the following warning:
==> WARNING: Package contains reference to $srcdir usr/bin/pwsafe
I have been warned... but I'm not sure what I'm being warned against.
Here is the PKGBUILD
# Maintainer: Alexander Schnaidt <>
pkgdesc="Simple & Secure Password Management"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('libxtst' 'wxgtk' 'yubikey-personalization' 'xerces-c' 'qrencode')
makedepends=('zip' 'libxt' 'cmake' 'gtest' 'git')
optdepends=('xvkbd: virtual-keyboard support')
conflicts=('passwordsafe-debian' 'passwordsafe-git' 'pwsafe' 'pwsafe-gui')
validpgpkeys=('C8876BE69A8EC6414C8C8729B131423D7F2F1BB9') #
build() {
cd $_pkgname-$pkgver
mkdir -p build
cd build
package() {
cd "$_pkgname-$pkgver"
cd build
DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make install
Why should I care if the package makes reference to $srcdir usr/bin/pwsafe or not? Is there something I should be doing differently?
Last edited by dakota (2022-09-18 21:44:18)
"Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment chop wood, carry water." -- Zen proverb
It means the $srcdir path is contained somewhere inside the finished package, this is usually in the form of debug info or something. This is bad for reproducible builds but doesn't really effect anything else.
The warning means that usr/bin/pwsafe contains a reference to whatever dir it was built from. This may be benign, or it may be the case that it tries to write important information to e.g. /home/alex/builds/pwsafe/src/pwsafe (regardless of who runs it). What is usr/bin/pwsafe? If it's a script/wrapper, open it in a pager or text editor and see what the reference is (maybe it's just a comment). If it's a binary, then it's a little more complicated -- you're probably best off examining the src folder for any hardcoded reference to it's path and finding out what that reference is used for.
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The compiled binary contains references to names of the source code “.cpp” files. It looks like debugging information and, therefore, seems benign.
I have pinged the maintainer. Feel free to comment about the issue on PKGBUILD’s page on AUR. However, if this really is debugging information, chances are that the issue will not be fixed.
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
Debugging info would usually be in headers to be stripped and installed in detached debugging packages after remapping them using -fdebug-prefix-map.
The reason for these references is: … q=__FILE__
You could discuss with upstream why they use this, I guess.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Thanks everybody!
What is usr/bin/pwsafe? ...If it's a binary, then it's a little more complicated -- you're probably best off examining the src folder for any hardcoded reference to it's path and finding out what that reference is used for.
It is a binary. By 'examining the src folder' you mean the src folder inside the 'builds' folder, right? The folder that got created when I ran makepkg -s ?
The compiled binary contains references to names of the source code “.cpp” files.
Out of curiosity, how did you determine this if the binary is compiled? Did you look in the 'builds' folder ( .builds/passwordsafe/src/pwsafe-1.06BETA/src/os/unix) ?
FYI - I posted a comment on the PKGBUILD’s page on AUR as suggested by mpan.
"Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment chop wood, carry water." -- Zen proverb
Debugging info would usually be in headers to be stripped and installed in detached debugging packages after remapping them using -fdebug-prefix-map.
By “debugging info” I didn’t meant debug symbols, literally. Any debugging info. Also: good find, the filenames match. So it’s something done explicitly by the upstream.
Out of curiosity, how did you determine this if the binary is compiled? Did you look in the 'builds' folder ( .builds/passwordsafe/src/pwsafe-1.06BETA/src/os/unix) ?
grep -rF /path/to/the/build/dir .
Since that found matches in a binary file, I extracted strings using strings and fgreped through that:
strings ./pkg/passwordsafe/usr/bin/pwsafe | grep -F /path/to/the/build/dir
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
dakota wrote:Out of curiosity, how did you determine this if the binary is compiled? Did you look in the 'builds' folder ( .builds/passwordsafe/src/pwsafe-1.06BETA/src/os/unix) ?
grep -rF /path/to/the/build/dir .
Since that found matches in a binary file, I extracted strings using strings and fgreped through that:
strings ./pkg/passwordsafe/usr/bin/pwsafe | grep -F /path/to/the/build/dir
Very nice. Thank you.
"Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment chop wood, carry water." -- Zen proverb